Essay Questions: From the following list, you are to clearly and succinctly writ

May 16, 2024

Essay Questions:
From the following list, you are to clearly and succinctly write an in-depth, thoughtful essay (on average, 5-6+ pages) clearly answering all of the questions, and discussing all of the points in one of the following prompts. Be certain to answer and discuss all aspects of and questions in your selected prompt. Be certain to discuss relevant issues and terms, addressing key points, dates, and/or people involved within the topic; specifically addressing issues of context and significance. I expect you to utilize information from both out class lectures, and the assigned readings. Be Specific! (100 Points)
Discuss the rise and events of the Cold War in the 1940s and 1950s-the early 1990s. What were the major disagreements, and issues that separated the United States and the Soviet Union? Where did the “Cold War” boil over into a “hot war”? How and why did the United States try to counter the spread of communism? Lastly, orthodox historians place blame for the Cold War on the Soviet Union, while revisionist historians attribute its creation to the rise of American imperialism. Who is at “fault” for starting the Cold War? Is it that simple? Can we clearly blame one side or the other for the start of the Cold War? Be sure to discuss specific examples and cite specific events.

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