You must research and discuss an issue a case pending before the Supreme Court.

May 16, 2024

You must research and discuss an issue a case pending before the Supreme Court. You may present Your research and discussion in a final paper (minimum five pages)
Here are some guidelines to help you get started: 
Step 1: Pick an area of interest based on the syllabus.  Example: Freedom of Speech
Step 2: What question are you interested in exploring. Example: The right to carry a gun at a protest 
Step 3: Consider whether there are real life examples of this issue: Example: Individuals carrying guns at a Black Lives Matter Protest
Step 4: What has the Supreme Court decided in prior cases?: Example: Look at the seminal gun rights case: Heller v. D.C. or Chaplinsky and the fighting words doctrine. 
Step 5: Research the history of this issue! Example: Why do we even have the 2nd amendment. What is the basis for fighting words. 
Step 6: If the issue were before the Supreme Court, how do you think the court would decide based on these past cases? 
Step 7: Conclusion: What would you decide? Example: I think the individuals should have the right to carry guns at a protest 
because. . . 

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