In preparation for a court appearance, the federal law enforcement agency wants

May 15, 2024

In preparation for a court appearance, the federal law enforcement agency wants to ensure proper forensic processes and techniques are used in a computer crime case involving identify theft.
When challenging the admissibility of the digital evidence, the defense examiner will evaluate the authentication and chain of custody techniques used. The federal law enforcement agency would like your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS), to identify in a report the possible authentication and chain of custody techniques acceptable in the investigative process, including issues relating to First and Fourth Amendment privacy issues with respect to computer-related technologies.
Begin the report with a one-page overview of the forensics process and the steps taken by an examiner related to identity theft and computer crime.
Provide 2–3 pages identifying the following:
2 recommended examples of authentication acceptable in the investigative process of identity theft
2 recommended examples of chain of custody techniques of digital evidence
Provide 2–3 pages explaining the following:
What is considered legal or illegal under the guidelines of the First and Fourth Amendments in relation to the identity theft investigation
Cite your sources using APA style.
Must have title, Introduction, Conclusion and References 

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