3. “In determining those who legally belonged in Britain on the basis of an ancestral link with the British mainland, Britain made itself, for all intents and purposes, an exclusionary white space. The inscription in law of a link between Britishness and whiteness created Britain as a domestic space of colonialism in which the presence of racialised people is constantly called into question.” (B)ordering Britain: Law, Race and Empire (Manchester University Press 2020) 221)
critically Discuss with OSCOLA referncing and caselaw
Follow every step while making sure each part is done with the best work.
These are the criterias I need met:
Shows clear evidence of wide and relevant reading and an engagement with the conceptual issues.
Develops a sophisticated and intelligent argument.
Shows rigorous use and a confident understanding of relevant source materials.
Achieves an appropriate balance between factual detail and key theoretical issues.
Provides evidence of original and crtitical thinking.
Shows outstanding ability of synthesis under exam pressure.
After you have written it please send me a ‘turnit in’ report to check for any plagarism. NO plagarism please
P.S can you try your best to give me the highest possible mark and i will give a good review and possibly tip.