This assignment will require watching: LIES, POLITICS AND DEMOCRACYLinks to an e

May 13, 2024

This assignment will require watching: LIES, POLITICS AND DEMOCRACYLinks to an external site. This PBS Frontline documentary that is approximately 2 hours in length. Don’t wait until the last minute.  This assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate that you thoroughly understand key course concepts from our course well enough that you can apply and connect them to this documentary. Your responses should be original and do not try to answer these questions by doing Google searches, using Wikipedia, going to the documentary website and copying or paraphrasing someone else’s ideas. This is not a group project and you must submit your own individual responses to these questions. In short, be very mindful of the academic integrity policy found in the course syllabus and please consult with me if you have any questions.
1) Identify four specific definitions, concepts, or themes from our textbook or discussion board assignments that are evident in the film and then explain how they connected to the documentary. You should first define the definition, concept or theme and then fully explain how that concept, definition or theme was relevant to the video by providing specific examples from the film to support your claims. You should apply the most relevant four concepts, definitions, or themes as possible. Each one is worth 10 points each for 40 points total.
2) List examples from the video of norm violations, dangers to democracy, dangers to the Constitution, signs of authoritarian/strongman tendencies, (for example, signs that Trump challenges the results of election and claims the election was rigged or stolen). (5 points)
3) Political parties are the guardrail against demagogues and anti-democratic, anti-constitution, norm violating candidates. Did the republican party pressure Trump to change or did the majority of the party continue to support him? Consider the example from the video of Ted Cruz and whether he stood up to Donald Trump. (5 points)
4) This section is designed for you to provide a critical analysis of the film. You are free to analyze the film from  any perspective, but I have also  provided several suggestions for you to consider. What is your reaction to this documentary? For example, what did you learn, find interesting, surprising, what did you agree or disagree with and why? What do you think this film indicates about the future of American politics? Should the video have spent time examining the strengths and successes of the Trump presidency? Why or why not? (10 points)

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