This literature review is based on young women aged 18-25 using public transport

May 13, 2024

This literature review is based on young women aged 18-25 using public transportation and how they feel about their safety while using it. 
3 key targets to look for:
1. ‘How
do young women perceive their safety while using public transportation?
2. Do women
run into challenges when using public transportation in terms of their
3. Does the time-of-day matter when it’s regarding their safety on public transportation?
– analyse and highlight key issues
– summarize and evalute 
– build an argument/ develop an argument 
– what is the literature telling us and where are the gaps
– connect the literatures 
6 questions to think about: (Academic articles, journals, books)
1. What was researched on? 
2. When did they do it? (make sure its fairly recent)
3. Where did they do it? 
4. How was the data collected?
5. From whom was the data collected?
6. Why was the data collected
Please include any other relevant theories that might explain why young women might not be reporting about their safety issues when using public transportation. some to use are:
– Routine activity theory
– broken windows theory
– feminist theory
– power control theory 
(incorporate these theories please) 
– all citations need to be directly quoted and not paraphrased. 
– citations should include page number
– all sources must be academic – articles/journals/books/stats etc.

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