This is your semester project and will be a significant portion of your grade. Y

May 13, 2024

This is your semester project and will be a significant portion of your grade. You are to visit* a wilderness area and report back to me on specific topics I outline in the assignment. Don’t wing it and do follow the instructions. You must cite your sources within the document.
This module is in 4 parts:
This landing page
The longer description of the assignment.
List of approved locations
The page where you submit the assignment.
There will be a discussion board mid-semester asking you about the project and what location you have selected. So do choose a location early and start looking into if there are resources available online for it before then. You must include a bibliography and in-text citations of your sources. I will not read or score assignments without that information.
* There is a virtual option to the “visit”.
Field Research Full Description
Physical Geography Field Research Project
You must go to one of the wilderness or nature areas in California for field research (in person or virtually). Attached is a brief list of field observations sites. You should select one of these for your study site. I will be happy to consider any other site that you might propose, but obtain my approval prior to choosing that site. If you do the field research with other students just let me know in the paper so that I won’t think that you simply plagiarized each other. But even though you go to the same site, your papers must be your own work. If you are doing field work virtually than you must work on that alone.
The objectives of this assignment are to:
introduce you to field study and field observation techniques
acquaint you with a natural environment of California
show you firsthand how the interactions of natural processes produce different natural landscapes
help you appreciate how human activity has modified, endangered, and now preserves these natural environments.
What do you need to do? Observe the distinct natural characteristics of the site. Note its topography and geology, its weather and its biogeography. How do these features relate to what we have discussed in class and in the text? When observing features of the local landscape, distinguish between what is artificial and what is natural, between what is exotic and what is indigenous. You may need to make more than one visit. Take note of your personal impressions of this environment. Look for information about the local history. There is virtually no place left in southern California that does not bear the mark of some human interaction. What did Native Americans and early pioneers see? Even legends and myths tied to a specific place can tell you much about the special qualities of a place that the earliest observers perceived. Specific topics to cover are listed below.
Field Trip Report Guidelines
Your task is to prepare a geographic report of your study area. This report will be different from other papers you may have done. The focus of your paper is not a person, an event, or an issue. The principle character is a place. You are telling the story of a particular place emphasizing its natural features. This paper should be drawn from your observations and informed by appropriate references. Use photos to demonstrate the topics you are discussing.
This project is due on May 12th.
You must include a bibliography and in-text citations of your sources. I will not read or score assignments without that information.
Here are some recommendations on how you might proceed. Do not simply depend on your recollections. Be sure to bring along a camera and notebook in which to record your observations while in the field. Your field notes should include detailed observations of the site, as well as your reactions to it. These notes will help you write your paper. Taking pictures of the site is a useful way to remember what you experienced. At most sites, there will be abundant information as well as knowledgeable experts to answer your questions. Given the current pandemic issues many locations have closed visitor centers and limit interactions with rangers and docents. Online information on the sites will become very important to completing this assignment.
If you are doing virtual field work please pick a specific site. Don’t choose “Crystal Cove State Park” as it ranges from tide pools and coastal features to coastal sage scrub to chaparral. Pick a specific site within a larger park (Pelican Point picnic area for example). Since you will be downloading photos of the area, make sure to document the source for each photo.
These are the specific topics that you want to include in your paper (including approximate length in paragraphs (¶) each topic should be:
Introduction: What is the name of the site and where is it located? What dates did you do your field research? 1¶
Setting: Before entering the area, take a look around. Describe the landscape in which this site is situated. 1 ¶
Weather: Describe the weather on the day of your visit. Then consult a weather website such as to place this weather in the context of the conditions prevailing that day. How does it tie in with the general weather patterns for the region and for the season? 1-2 ¶
Climate: What is the climate (including its characteristics, not just the name) of the region where the study site is situated? Is there a microclimate at the study site? Are their local conditions that differ from the general characteristics for this climate type? 1-2 ¶
Plant Communities: Identify the principle plant communities to be found at your site. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of each community and the dominate plant species of each. Do not just list the plants. How do these plants reflect the climate of the region? Are there exotic (non-native) plant species? 2-3 ¶
Wildlife: What wildlife still resides in your study area? Are there any endangered species present? What has been their impact on the natural ecology of the site? How has this ecosystem changed from what it was 100 years ago? Do not just list the animals. 1 ¶
Terrain: Describe the specific terrain of your site. What landforms are present? What tectonic and gradational processes appear to be responsible for shaping the landscape? What material evidence can you find for these processes? 1-2¶
Local History: There is really no natural environment left in southern California that has not been touched somehow by human activity. What significant cultural and/or historic artifacts are present? A brief inquiry into the history of the locality will help you understand how this site came to be as you see it today. Myths and legends attached to a particular place can also reveal what earlier visitors saw in this place and the value the attached to it. 1-2¶
Introduction 2
Setting 2
Weather 4
Climate 6
Plant Communities 8
Wildlife 4
Terrain 6
Local History 2
Appropriate use of Photos 2
Grammar/spelling/writing clarity 2
Bibliography/Sources* 2
Total 40
Acceptable Locations & Websites updated March 2024
Please use more than one website for your research. Remember, you are not doing the entire park/wilderness area, just a single location within it.
These are listed only as starting points. If you wish to use a location not on this list, I must approve it first.
No tide pools allowed.
Some locations charge for parking.
Orange County (none of the locations in Orange County are anything other than Csa or Csb)
Crystal Cove State Park (Parking is $15. Do not do the tidepools.)
Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, Nix Nature Center
Starr Ranch Sanctuary (this one has limited access)
Thomas F. Riley Wilderness Park (near the interpretive center)
Santiago Oaks Regional Park (anywhere near the nature center)
Caspers Wilderness Park
(this one has limited online information, I recommend going in person and to the nature center there only)
Outside of OC
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (near the visitor center)
Chino Hills State Park
Carrizo Plain National Monument
(be sure to check out Wallace Creek)
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
(this could be a tough one but fascinating)
Gaviota State Park
(HUGE variety of terrains/microclimates here, proceed with caution)
The following were recommended by a colleague. I cannot provide any personal insight or validation of them. I suggest them only if they are nearby and familiar to you.
Eaton Canyon Nature Center – 1750 N. Altadena Drive, Pasadena
George F. Canyon Nature Center – 27305 Palos Verdes Drive East, Rolling Hills Estates
Madrona Marsh Preserve – 3201 Plaza Del Amo, Torrance
Monrovia Canyon Park – 1200 N. Canyon Blvd, Monrovia
Placerita Canyon Nature Center – 19152 Placerita Canyon Road, Newhall
San Dimas Canyon Nature Center – 1628 N. Sycamore Canyon Road, San Dimas
Whittier Narrows Nature Center – 1000N. Durfee Ave. South El Monte
Semester Project – Field Research (due May 12)
The physical geography processes discussed in class and in your text can be observed in our own immediate environment. Being able to recognize the topics discussed in class in the landscape is an important goal in this course. The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice your skills of geographic observation in the field (either virtually or online) in a wilderness area.
Based on your observations (in person or online) and research about a location, in this case a specific location within a wildernesses park, you are to write on the topics listed below. Some are easy and straightforward (e.g., Introduction, Setting), others require more thought and research (e.g., Climate, Plant communities).
Any location not listed as an acceptable location must be pre-approved by me or face a 50% reduction in score.
Pick a single location within the wilderness area, not the entire park.
Cite all of your sources within the document and have a bibliography. Your paper will receive a 0 score without these two things.
Do not plagiarize (including paraphrasing)
Write on the following topics:
Introduction: What is the name of the site and where is it located? What dates did you do your field research? 1 ¶
Setting: Before entering the area, take a look around. Describe the landscape in which this site is situated. 1 ¶
Weather: Describe the weather on the day of your visit. Then consult a weather website such as to place this weather in the context of the conditions prevailing that day. How does it tie in with the general weather patterns for the region and for the season? 1-2
Climate: What is the climate (including its characteristics, not just the name) of the region where the study site is situated? Is there a microclimate at the study site? Are their local conditions that differ from the general characteristics for this climate type? Please note that some online sources have incorrect climate data. For example Laguna Beach is not Csa, it is Csb, Bolsa Chica is not a desert, etc. 1-2 ¶
Plant Communities: Identify the principle plant communities to be found at your site. A plant community is a group of plants in a location – they are adapted to that locations temperatures and rainfall (hmmm, sounds like climate influences plants…). Describe the distinguishing characteristics of each community and the dominate plant species of each. How do these plants reflect the climate of the region? Are there exotic (non-native) plant species? Do not just list the plants in an area. 2-3 ¶
Wildlife: What wildlife still resides in your study area? Are there any endangered species present? What has been their impact on the natural ecology of the site? How has this ecosystem changed from what it was 100 years ago? 1 ¶
Terrain/Geomorphology: Describe the specific terrain of your site. What landforms are present? What tectonic and gradational processes appear to be responsible for shaping the landscape? What material evidence can you find for these processes? 1-2¶
Local History: There is really no natural environment left in southern California that has not been touched somehow by human activity. What significant cultural and/or historic artifacts are present? A brief inquiry into the history of the locality will help you understand how this site came to be as you see it today. Myths and legends attached to a particular place can also reveal what earlier visitors saw in this place and the value the attached to it. 1-2¶
Click on the red “submit assignment” button at the top of the screen.
Papers will be graded on how thoroughly the required topics are covered. Emphasis will be placed on topics covered in class such as climate, plants and how they are affected by climate, and terrain/geomorphology. I also recognize that each location will be different and will take that into account when grading. However, if you pick a location that has very limited online information and no visitor center, I suggest you choose another location. You must include a bibliography and in-text citations of your sources. I will not read or score assignments without that information..
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