Overview Scenario You are a healthcare consultant with a background in regulator

May 13, 2024

You are a healthcare consultant with a background in regulatory strategy and compliance. You have been hired by a healthcare organization, to help them develop a strategy to address a current regulatory challenge that impacts your organization in terms of cost, quality, and/or access to care. After doing your research, you will write a short summary report, to be presented to the Compliance Committee at its upcoming meeting.
Topic Selection
You may pick your own topic for this assignment, but it must fit within this overall definition: a regulatory challenge in a healthcare organization that impacts cost, quality, and/or access to care.
There are two ways that you may identify your topic: 
If applicable, you may pick a regulatory challenge or issue in your own current or past healthcare workplace. Some possible areas where you may find a topic are listed below: 
Compliance with a current or future rule or regulation; telemedicine implementation; billing or coding issues; EHR functionality.
If you do not have a healthcare workplace example, search for an article about a relevant challenge. Be sure to include a link to the article in your references. Some source journals and websites are listed below:
Journals: The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Week, The Economist, Modern Healthcare, or The Journal of the American Medical Association.
Websites: American Hospital Association at aha.orgLinks to an external site., American College of Healthcare Executives at www.ache.orgLinks to an external site., or The American Public Health Association at www.apha.orgLinks to an external site..
Note: Please contact your instructor if you need help with selecting a topic for this assignment.
Based on your chosen topic, write a concise summary report to the Compliance Committee of 2 to 3 pages. Your report must include the following four sections:
Executive Summary
Briefly describe the healthcare organization concerned, including its location, size, major products or services, the community it serves, etc.
Provide a clear, concise description of the regulatory challenge or issue facing the organization.
Assessment of the Issue
Provide an assessment of the issue by answering these questions:
How did the organization discover this challenge?
What is the impact of this issue on cost, quality, and/or access to care?
How does this issue affect compliance with rules and regulations?
Describe an actionable strategy to address the regulatory challenge, including:
Major actionable steps of the strategy/solution
Timeline to implement these steps
Resources, including staff, materials, facilities, financing, etc.
Outcomes and Measures
Describe the expected results and outcomes of the strategy and indicate how success will be measured. This section should answer these questions:
How will your recommended actions improve compliance?
How will your recommended actions mitigate the impacts of the regulatory issue on cost, quality, and/or access to care?
What data will be needed to measure these results and impacts?
What is the next step if the strategy does not achieve its desired effect?

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