Part 1:  (20 per cent) Students are required to write a 500-word news story abou

May 13, 2024

Part 1:  (20 per cent) Students are required to write a 500-word news story about a stranger, which is researched and written by the student. The story could be about anyone but needs to be someone that the student doesn’t know. Keep in mind that the story needs to be newsworthy.
Part 2:  (30 per cent) Students submit a 1200-word essay that addresses the ethical issues and key laws that arose in researching and writing the story (Part 1). Students explain how these ethical issues were resolved and include the reasoning behind the decisions made. This discussion needs to be referenced throughout using codes of ethics and scholarly referencing.
500-word story
1200-word essay
Further Information: Students must address the following in their essay:
The process by which consent was obtained, including details about the student’s declaration of purpose, undertakings concerning identification and sourcing, and statements concerning the use of material from the interview
Comprehensive identification of the ethical issues that arose from the interview and the writing of the story, including fidelity to the undertakings given to the subject, and issues concerning the portrayal of the subject
Newsworthiness and suitability of writing and form
Attached documents:
1. Interview with Interviewee 
2. Further breakdown on the assignment 

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