What to Turn In Artwork – Create the artwork, then take a photo of it to submit!

May 11, 2024

What to Turn In
Artwork – Create the artwork, then take a photo of it to submit!
Artist Statement – 2 paragraphs
Project Prompt
🎨 The assignment is to create an art project inspired by a political, social, and/or economic factor that shapes the Chicane or Latine community, as learned through the different historical frameworks and ideologies that we learned last week.  
✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 Using art to express a struggle, or demand change, on an issue has been an important tradition throughout Chicanx history, as you learned this week! The art project is intended to carry a message that can be understood by those looking at it for the first time (Examples of political posters are given below).
🙇‍♀️ You will conduct research about a current social issue, whether it be related to civil rights, women’s rights, the environment, immigrant rights, globalization, education, or local issues. *You can use your research from last week and expand on it if you like* Another thing I recommend is, picking a topic you would want to know more about or want to form an opinion on.
❗️When you are conducting your research, you will pick 1 historical framework or ideology as a lens with which to analyze the issue. You will be required to write about this in your Artist Statement. So far we have learned about:
Critical Race Theory
Borderlands Theory
Indigenous Studies
But, you could also analyze your topic using: Marxist Thought, Queer Theory, Black Feminist Thought, Colonial Theory, etc. (I’m happy to give you some sources for these- just send me a message!)
➡️ Go back and review what you’ve learned about these frameworks. How can you use them to understand your issue further? For example, if you want to use Critical Race Theory, you would think about the intersection of race and the law. You would ask: Does the law apply equally to all people? How are people of different ethnicities and races represented in the law? How does race play a part in the issue at hand, systematically? You would then present your findings with research!
Indigenous Studies would focus on the Indigenous perspective, Intersectionality on intersecting identities, and so on and so forth!
Artist Statement
Your artwork must have a thesis, or a main idea, behind the artwork that you are communicating to your audience. This thesis will come from your research and analysis using your framework.
✍🏼 You’ll write a 2-paragraph artist statement to submit with your art project. Please include 2 works cited on your artist statement page.
Grading Rubric
You will be graded on:
Effort and thoughtfulness
Research accuracy and Framework analysis
Creative Interpretation
Thesis (main idea behind the artwork)
Works Cited Page (2 resources required)
This is Jose. I already made an art piece you just have to look at it and talk about one of the topics above and include the history of Latinos and Latina’s graduation rates thanks. Let me know if you have any questions.

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