Directions For this short answer assignment, first choose a topic that interests

May 8, 2024

For this short answer assignment, first choose a topic that interests you (for example, family, money, climate change, etc.). Next, select three creative works that portray this topic. One creative work should come from each humanities subject area (one work of visual art, one work of performing art, and one work of literary art).
You can find creative works from the three humanities subject areas in the textbook, on the internet, or anywhere else around you that has a creative work that portrays the topic you chose.
Specifically, you must address the following:
Three Creative Works
State the artist and title of each of the three creative works you selected, then explain your rationale for selecting the three creative works. Include the following in your response:
What do you connect to about each creative work?
What emotions does each work evoke in you?
One Work in Depth
Choose one of the works you selected and be sure to clearly state the artist and title, then explain how the work helps the audience make sense of the topic it portrays. Consider the following in your response:
What insights about the topic does the creative work convey to an audience?
How does experiencing this creative work help an audience understand more about this topic?

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