The textbook is Governing Texas 6th addition chapter 14. I’ll just copy and past

May 6, 2024

The textbook is Governing Texas 6th addition chapter 14. I’ll just copy and paste the discussion post topic here. I am genuinely bad at these for some reason, so help would be greatly appreciated
Your question post needs to be a minimum of 200 words, cover a topic
related to this (and/or last) week’s readings, and use and cite an
outside source (not the textbook) that is reputable (scholarly articles,
government websites, reliable news articles, etc.). An ideal question
post will be clear and give enough context and details for full
understanding. It will require classmates to do some outside research,
critical thinking, and express their own viewpoints. Try to use real
world current events as topics in light of chapter concepts.
Please come up with a unique question that you don’t think has been
asked already by a classmate. Post your question during the odd numbered
week or early in the week that it is due (Monday – Thursday) so that
classmates have time to answer it and you have time to shift your focus
to replies.
Students must post two replies to classmates by Sunday of each week that a discussion is due – 
Read the questions that have been posted and choose two that interest
you (try to choose two different topics so that your replies will
vary). Research the topics and use outside sources you find to assist
you in writing your responses. Write at least 200 words and cite the
outside sources in-text and at the end of your reply. Use evidence from
your research and critical thinking to fully develop a complete
response. Be polite and respectful even as you offer responses that are
opposite to classmates. We can always respectfully disagree with
*Please do not ask questions that are easily answered from reading
the textbook. Write open-ended questions that require critical thought
and evaluation. Reply to each other with evidence to back your position
rather than simplistic responses. Bring in your own life experience and
personal perspective. Share opinions and back them with evidence from
your research.

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