Individual work: The Chase Report (15% of your grade) A key goal of this class i

May 6, 2024

Individual work: The Chase Report (15% of your grade)
A key goal of this class is to learn to think entrepreneurially and to develop a mindset that helps you identify and discover new stakeholder needs and wants as sources of entrepreneurial opportunities to provide value.
The Chase Report is an exercise for students to find, review, reflect, and analyze new entrepreneurial initiatives from a domain or industry related to each student’s bachelor area of study. The reflection and analysis of the initiative will address the concepts related to the entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial process discussed and addressed both in the classroom (discussions, activities, simulations, etc.) and in course readings.
Main Objective and Considerations to take into account:
●  The main objective of the report is for each student to reflect on a specific entrepreneurial initiative and demonstrate an understanding of the course’s key learnings by addressing them in the form of a reflection, description, and analysis of the selected entrepreneurial initiative.
●  Consider the following in your reflection, description, analysis…
o The mindset undertaken by the entrepreneur(s) or “intrapreneurs” (entrepreneurial thinkers/doers within organizations)
o The process the individual or the team implemented to develop the initiative. For example, how did they explore the problem? Create the idea? Form/build the team? Validate the solution? Define the business model (even if not “a business”)? Design and execute the Go-To-Market Strategy? Finance the initiative? etc.).
o The report should also connect the entrepreneurial journey highlighted with concrete and relevant concepts and situations discussed in class or that you have read in the course readings. These concepts could have appeared anywhere during class, including in cases, workshops, readings listed in Blackboard (Content Sessions folders), simulations, slides, something discussed in class, coaching, and the deliverables).
o This assignment aims to encourage reflection on the concepts covered during the course. As a result, students can comment on what each student considers most relevant to
Gabriela Caso de los Cobos Entrepreneurship 2024
the initiative to demonstrate their understanding of both the course’s concepts and the initiative itself.
Parameters of the selected initiative:
●  This entrepreneurial initiative could be a new* venture like a startup, or a new** internal (intrapreneurial) project or initiative in an existing company, organization, governmental agency, academic institution, public sector, non-governmental organization, foundation, etc.
*If you choose a startup, it must be less than 4 years old (not founded before 2020).
**If you choose an internal initiative within an existing organization, etc. the initiative must be less than 4 years old (not launched before 2020).
●  Any type of initiative, including both successful and unsuccessful ones, can be a source of interesting insights and can be the subject of the “Chase” Report.
●  If applicable, students are welcome to use personal experience for this exercise (as long as the above criteria are met).
Each student is expected to:
●  Identify one new entrepreneurial initiative that comes from the domain or field of expertise of the student’s bachelor’s degree (BIR, BID, BBA, PPLE, BCDM, etc.)
●  Write a report (maximum 2 pages, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, A4). You can design the report as you deem appropriate within the following parameters:
o Maximum 2 pages, single-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font (A4)
o Minimum 1 page single-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font (A4).
o Minimum 1 page single-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font (A4) and 1 page of any kind of visualization “tool” or “graphic organizer” to represent data.
●  Submit the report via Blackboard the night before Session 27.
●  This exercise is a brief report: focus on quality, not quantity; demonstrate knowledge as well as critical and original thinking about the course topics.
●  Cite references you make and use where relevant. You may use the referencing format you prefer (e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard, HMRA), however, please be consistent. The list of References is not part of the 2-page limit for this assignment.

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