All students must complete a mini proposal of a speculative and imaginary new me

May 6, 2024

All students must complete a mini proposal of a speculative and imaginary new media artwork. The work proposed should reflect on at least one of the topics that we have covered in class. It should be richly illustrated, have an abstract, historical background, visual/sonic references, timeline, the venue of the project research section. The project seeks work which demonstrates imagination, work ethic, and an ability to assemble the course materials into a meaningful and profound set of possibilities of what might be.
Submit your final PDF file to Canvas
There will be no final exam in the form of project presentations. Students who fail to submit the final project on time will not receive the final grade.
Download # Final Project Template:
The final proposal must be turned in as a single PDF file. (No separate Pages.)
Label It (LastNameFirstIntial_FinalProposal) example (SmithJ_FinalProposal)
Avenir Next (or similar) 11pt
1” Margins
Double line spacing
Grading rubric (100 points in total, please review more detailed rubric below)
Creativity: 20 points
Technique + completeness: 20 points
Aesthetics: 20 points
Concept: 20 points
Documentation: 20 points
Roy Ascott, Behaviourist Art and The Cybernetic Vision (2002)
Roy Ascott, The Cybernetic Stance: My Process and Purpose (1968)Links to an external site.
Roy Ascott, The Shamantic Web: art and mind in emergence
Lawrence S. Bale, Gregory Bateson’ s Theory of Mind: Practical Applications to Pedagogy (1992)
Edwina Bartlem, Immersive Artificial Life (A-Life) Art (2005)
Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation (1981)Links to an external site.
Jean Baudrillard, Simulations (1983)Links to an external site.
Bell, Loader, Pleace and Schuler, Cyberculture: The Key Concepts (2004)Links to an external site.
Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936)
Jorge Luis Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths (1941)Links to an external site.
Nicolas Bourriaud, Relational Aesthetics (1998)Download Nicolas Bourriaud, Relational Aesthetics (1998)
Jack Burnham, Systems Esthetics (1968)
Jack Burnham, The Future of Responsive Systems in Art (1968)Download Jack Burnham, The Future of Responsive Systems in Art (1968)
John Cage, The Future of Music: Credo (1937) Links to an external site.
Dani Cavalaro, Cyberpunk and Cyberculture (2000)Links to an external site.
Joel Chadabe, The History of Electronic Music as a Reflection of Structural Paradigms (1995)Download Joel Chadabe, The History of Electronic Music as a Reflection of Structural Paradigms (1995)
Steve Dixon,Links to an external site. Digital performance a history of new media in theater, dance, performance art, and installationLinks to an external site. (2007)Links to an external site.
Frances Dyson, Sounding New Media: Immersion and Embodiment in the Arts and Culture (2009)Links to an external site.
Umberto Eco, The Poetics of the Open Work (1989)Links to an external site.
Vilém Flusser, Towards a Philosophy of Photography (1983)Links to an external site.
Rachel Greene, Web Work: A History of Internet Art (2000)
Charlie Gere, Digital Culture, 2nd edition (2008)Download Charlie Gere, Digital Culture, 2nd edition (2008)
Donna Haraway, A Cyborg Manifesto (1985)
Donna Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge (1991)
N. Katherine Hayles, How We Became Posthuman (1999)
Andrew Hugill, The Origin of Electronic Music (2007) Download Andrew Hugill, The Origin of Electronic Music (2007)
Douglas Kahn, John Cage: Silence and Silencing  from NOISE WATER MEAT (1999) pages 161 – 199Links to an external site.
Douglas Kahn, Impossible Inaudible (1999)
Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution (1962)Download Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution (1962)
George Landow, Hypertext: the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology (1992)
Wolf Lieser, The World of Digital Art (2010) Links to an external site.
Margot Lovejoy, Digital Currents: Art in the Electronic Age (2004)Links to an external site.
Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media (2001)
Milner and Browitt, Contemporary Cultural Theory, 3rd Edition (2002)Links to an external site.
Moholy-Nagy, L., The New Vision and Abstract of an Artist (1928) [1947]Download Moholy-Nagy, L., The New Vision and Abstract of an Artist (1928) [1947]
Moser and MacLeod, Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments (1996)Links to an external site.
Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital (1995)
Sadie Plant, Zeros + Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture (1997)
Frank Popper, From Technological to Virtual Art (2007)Links to an external site.
A. L. Rees, A History of Experimental Film and Video (1999)Links to an external site.
Jasia Reichardt, Cybernetic Serendipity: The Computer and the Arts (1968)
David Rokeby, Transforming Mirrors: Subjectivity and Control in Interactive Media (1995)
Michael Rush, New Media in Art (1999 and 2005)Links to an external site.
Luigi Russolo, The Art of Noise (1913)Links to an external site.
Edward Shanken, Art and Electronic Media : Survey part (2009)
Susan Sontag, In Plato’s Cave (1977)
Ivan E. Sutherland, The Ultimate Display (1965)
Alan Turing, A Computing Machinery and Intelligence (1950)
Paul Virilio, The Third Interval: A Critical Transition (1993)Links to an external site.
Richard Wagner, The Artwork of the Future (1848)
Mitchell Whitelaw, Metacreation: Art and Artificial Life (2004)

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