You will write a paper (1250-1750 words; 5-7 pages double spaced) in which you d

May 5, 2024

You will write a paper (1250-1750 words; 5-7 pages double spaced) in which you discuss feminist
theory through the categories of analysis (race, class, gender, sexuality, status etc.). You will then
think about how our study of women’s labor contributions relates to current events today and make
analytical connections to current issues. You will analyze information from each module and make
analysis and connections. I will provide information for the modules that we learned about this semester at the end.
5-7 pages double spaced minimum, 12-point font, 4 citations from the modules, 2 citations for current
events related to women and labor, MLA or APA style citations
Create and Engaging Title
Your paper will have an introduction in which you discuss what specific topic you will discuss in general.
Then you will provide a thesis statement that begins with “In this paper, I will…”
Introduce your paper, give the reader a road map for what you will be discussing. What is the thesis of
your paper based on the articles you choose to use? What stood out for you? Why did you choose the
Modules including articles/films/discussions that you chose?
What was impactful about the modules/articles? How are you going to argue they inform each other? In the next section (body of paper) you will use evidence from the articles/films/discussion boards to support your arguments in the introduction of your paper.
In this section, the body of your paper, you will use evidence from the articles/films/discussion boards to
support your arguments that you made in the introduction of your paper.
Module ____: analysis and connections Module ____: analysis and connections
Module ____: analysis and connections Module ____: analysis and connections
Social, Political, Economic, Status, etc. Analysis amongst the four modules. What are the similarities,
differences, significant contributions, turning points, significant people or events?   How does what you discussed relate to two current events of your choice?
Write a conclusion for your paper. Tie up all the loose ends and restate your arguments.
Websites/citations to use related to modules:
*You can use 2 current events related to women and labor of your choice. This is a total of 6 sources. 

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