Read and analyze ” Case 4 – General Motors.pdf Case 4 – General Motors.pdf (atta

May 5, 2024

Read and analyze ” Case 4 – General Motors.pdf Case 4 – General Motors.pdf (attached) by identifying the main problems, considering various perspectives, and understanding the implications of the data provided in the case.
Prepare a detailed and compelling proposal to solve the pivotal issue in the case. 
Each response should be supported by data from the case, research, or theoretical frameworks from the course. Submit your responses in a single PowerPoint file. Using critical thinking to evaluate alternatives, predict outcomes, and propose viable solutions to the case questions may attract bonus points.
Grading Rubric – 
1. Proposal Review (10 Points)
Excellent (10 Points): Comprehensive and clear summary of all proposals including detailed technical specifications, prices, and terms.
Good (7 Points): Adequate summary of proposals with essential information but lacks some details.
Needs Improvement (4 Points): Summary is incomplete or unclear, missing key details of the proposals.
2. Analysis of Tangible Factors (10 Points)
Excellent (10 Points): Thorough and accurate evaluation of all relevant tangible factors with a detailed comparison table.
Good (7 Points): Evaluation covers most tangible factors; comparison table is present but not fully detailed.
Needs Improvement (4 Points): Insufficient analysis of tangible factors; lacks comparative details.
3. Analysis of Intangible Factors (10 Points)
Excellent (10 Points): Insightful evaluation of intangible factors, demonstrating deep understanding of strategic implications and partnership potentials.
Good (7 Points): Basic assessment of intangible factors; shows understanding but lacks depth.
Needs Improvement (4 Points): Poor or minimal evaluation of intangible factors; lacks strategic insight.
4. Recommendations and Reasoning (10 Points)
Excellent (10 Points): Recommendations are logically derived from the analysis with strong, clear justifications for the chosen supplier.
Good (7 Points): Recommendations are reasonable with basic justification; some connections to analysis may be weak.
Needs Improvement (4 Points): Recommendations lack clear logic or justification; poorly connected to proposal analysis.
5. Cost Efficiency (10 Points)
Excellent (10 Points): Meets target prices while maximizing value; demonstrates cost-effectiveness.
Good (7 Points): Generally meets target prices but with minimal discussion of value; adequate cost management.
Needs Improvement (4 Points): Exceeds target prices without justification; lacks evidence of cost-effectiveness.

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