Why are some countries wealthier/more developed than others? Draw on the reading

May 4, 2024

Why are some countries wealthier/more developed than others?
Draw on the readings from this class to describe and assess at least three different theories of development and under-development. Explain what each theory does well, and what it fails to explain or account for. You may ground your essay by describing the development process in a specific country, and assessing how well different theories do in explaining your country’s trajectory; or you may write a more general account of the strengths and weaknesses of different theories.
Your essay will comprise of around 2000 words (maximum), excluding the bibliography. (Note +/- 10% of the word count is acceptable.)
Remember that you MUST have a thesis statement and therefore an argument.
For this essay, you can only use the assigned course material. Please do not use any outside sources.
You may also refer to the lectures in your paper, but IN ADDITION TO – not instead of – citing the readings.  Instructions for how to cite lectures can be found below.
I want to hear your arguments, the evidence that you marshal, and I want to know how you are thinking about the questions raised. You must place your arguments within the literature. However, if you quote anything, if you use text from ANYWHERE you MUST reference and cite same – using whatever system you wish so long as consistent. See UCD plagiarism policy:https://www.ucd.ie/spire/undergraduatestudies/currentundergraduatestudents/
Requirement specifications form: double line spacing, table of contents, header hierarchy (i.e., ‘main sections’ to have larger font / highlighting than ‘subsections’); bibliography – no requirement for a specific standard for the design, but you must be consistent in the reference guide. All direct copy (which should be limited) must be enclosed in quotation marks (” w. ”) and followed by reference to page numbers.
The term paper must be written in English language. The term paper cover must include course title and number, your name, your student number, word count, and your e-mail address.
Please include a Reference List/Bibliography/Works Cited at the end of your paper.  This will not count as part of your page limit.
Please use one style consistently and do not switch halfway through the essay or mix and match. 
You must provide a citation even if you are paraphrasing an idea or argument from a source, and not quoting directly. If you are using the exact same words as the source, you must use quotation marks and provide a citation. Otherwise, you are plagiarizing someone else’s work.
If you are unsure whether something needs to be cited, cite it. You will never lose marks or be accused of plagiarism for citing too much.
List lectures in your reference list as: “Dokumaci, Pinar. . . Lecture for POL10120, University College Dublin.” (without the quotation marks).  The format for a parenthetical citation would be (Dokumaci ).
Submission deadline for the term paper is between 5 May 2024 (Sunday)  at 18:00 hrs. Note that no extension of the deadline will be given, either to the class as a whole or to individual students (with the sole exception that severe disease, with accompanying medical certificate, can provide the basis for deferral). 
Submission: A soft copy must be uploaded on or before the deadline in Brightspace. No hard copy submission is necessary.
Please Pay Attention:
A late submission of your term paper up to 5 working days late will lead to a deduction of ONE GRADE POINT (example: B- becomes C+)
A late submission of your term paper up to 5 working days to 10 working dates late will lead to a deduction of TWO GRADE POINTS (example: B- becomes C)
In no circumstances, an extension of more than two weeks will be given. Where more than two weeks are necessary, the student will have to make a formal extenuating circumstances application via the UCD Program Office.
Plagiarism – in whatever form – is strictly prohibited and will automatically result in the award. Depending on the severity can result in fraud reporting, in which case you risk expulsion from the university. Note also that the term papers electronically and automatically will be checked for authenticity. For more information on plagiarism see: http://www.ucd.ie/registry/academicsecretariat/plagiarism.htm  
Term paper structure:
You can follow a relatively predetermined template for your essay: 
(1) Introduction with a clear thesis [~ 150 words]
(2)  Describe (at least three different) theories of development [~ 700 words]
(3) Analyse and access the explanatory power of the theories with clear arguments 
[~ 1000 words]
(4) Conclusion [~ 150 words]
Due on 05 May 2024 6:00 PM
Readings: Heilbronner and Lenin are on colonialism. 
Fanon and Acemoglu reading is on colonialism, violence and development. 
Modernization and development theories- readings = Lerneer and Przeworski
Dependenc, underdevelopment and dependent development= Amin, Cardoso
State Failures and Development= Bates and Krueger 
State led development and Export Led growth= Amsden and Kwon&Kang

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