Argument Essay Instructions Overview: Use the writing process to write an argume

May 2, 2024

Argument Essay Instructions
Overview: Use the writing process to write an argumentative research essay to convince and persuade readers to accept your point of view (your position on an issue). Your argument should take a position on an issue, provide evidence to support your position, and address valid counterarguments.
Topic:  Choose a topic that can be argued/debated and that is interesting or meaningful to you. Consider controversial topics which may affect us locally or a current international/ global topic that you are very interested and invested in. This is your culminating assignment for your college writing course. Remember your audience and that this is a college writing course; your topic will directly reflect your intelligence and capacity for critical thought.
Format: Use the provided outline for help. Your paper should be written in MLA format and should be a SIX paragraph essay:
Introduction- one paragraph with a hook, background info, and thesis statement
Body- three supporting paragraphs, each with a topic sentence that mentions both items being discussed
Opposing Views/Counterargument- Address and refute valid counterarguments.
Conclusion- one paragraph consisting of a summary and a final thought
Length: The essay must be 5 full pages minimum. Format: Use MLA 9 format for title, heading, citations, and the Works Cited page. Your Works Cited page must be included but does NOT count as part of the 5-page minimum.
Word Choice: Use Third Person Point of View and a formal tone. Avoid using, slang, informal language, and contractions.
Do not use first person (I, me, my) or second person (you, your) pronouns.
Use transition words and phrases to strengthen points and showcase similarities or differences
Use correct grammar; ensure that all sentences are complete.
Research: This IS a research paper. Use a minimum of 4 credible, scholarly sources.  Two (or more) of these sources must come from the CPCC online databases (like ProQuest or Opposing Viewpoints) or the CPCC library. You must include correctly cited in-text citations and a Works Cited page. You cannot use Wikipedia,,, The Onion, or Daily Mail or any fake news website.
Include an MLA-style Works Cited list.
Plagiarism: Your essay will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn to check for plagiarism. Plagiarized essays will earn a grade of 0. Please review the plagiarism policy as stated in the course syllabus.
Assessment: Your essay will directly reflect your capacity for critical thought and your ability to write for a college audience.
Grading: The final essay is worth 100 points.

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