( Please no outside sources please read all instructions and chapters that i hav

May 2, 2024

( Please no outside sources please read all instructions and chapters that i have provided due to the teachers pickiness i really need to make sure someone is following insturctions since i couldnt download his lectures i had to dictate them i also provided chapters 11, 12, and 13 since i couldnt download the book either…… here is the  discussion he has had with me so you wil know in advance on what and what not to do as well.. {
You still have 25% of your grade left to be determined. I would focus your energies on doing well on the last exam. Remember, these are open book and open note exams. You should answer each question as comprehensively as possible. Looking at your last exam it seems that you simply left out critical information in your answer. The information has been given to you. You simply need to use it in your answers.} Im not trying to fail.. sorry for the long post… 
HIS122: US History Since 1877
Exam 3 Study Guide
•  You may choose when to complete the
exam within the exam window, but it must be completed in one sitting.• Students are required to submit their own work. Although study groups are permitted/encouraged,
multiple students may not submit the same essay. No chatbots/AI generators are permitted.
o Cheating/Plagiarism will result in a score of 0. Second offense = course failure.
• Use only the assigned materials in the course: lectures, PowerPoints, and readings. No unassigned
sources are permitted without prior approval from the Instructor (citations are required).
o Use basic parenthetical citations for sources. Lecture = (O’Connell Gennari, “Name of
Lecture”). Textbook = (Carnes, p. #). Additional readings = (Author, “Title”). One citation per paragraph is recommended. A Works Cited/Reference list is not required.
• Three of the following questions will appear on the exam. Students are required to submit only 1
essay from the 3 options. Leave the remaining questions blank.
o All questions have been entered into Canvas; selection is randomly generated. It is recommended that students prepare multiple essays.
o A blank exam or submitting an essay to a question not on the exam will be scored F/40.
o If more than 1 essay is submitted, only the first will be scored.
o Standard rules of English grammar apply (sentences/paragraphs are required.)
o Submit the essay in the Canvas text box. No file attachments will be accepted.
o Suggested essay length: 1000-1200 words. Absolute maximum essay length: 1300 words. 
Question Pool:
1. The civil rights movement gained momentum in the 1950s and 1960s, nearly 90 years after Reconstruction. Analyze why the movement finally took after World War II. What were the major
successes? What backlash did the movement receive after 1965? 
2. Analyze the role of the Vietnam War and Watergate scandal in the US’s political transformation
during the 1970s and 1980s. Provide at least 3 historical examples (total) to explain the collapse
of American optimism. 
3. Analyze the implementation of conservative policies in Ronald Reagan’s administration. Provide
at least 3 specific historic examples (total) to explain the shift in foreign and domestic policy from
1981 to 1989. 
4. Analyze the impact of the conservative revolution on Bill Clinton’s administration. Provide at
least 3 historical examples to explain the ways in which Clinton accepted the premises of his opposition. 
5. Analyze the effects of 9/11 on the United States in the twenty-first century. Provide at least 3 historical examples to explain the ways in which the War on Terror affected American foreign and
domestic policies  

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