Students are expected to write a 10-page paper that focuses on providing a criti

May 1, 2024

Students are expected to write a 10-page paper that focuses on providing a critique of service to the practicum placement and experience. The objective here is to provide critical analyses of micro- and macro-level processes and the impact of social structures and power relationships (i.e. political, economic, social, legal) in communities associated with the practicum experience. Please refer to the course readings for the practicum paper. You may not use outside materials for the practicum paper. The paper must be formatted with the headings as per the Practicum Paper Outline below. The paper will have five sections:SEE ATTACHED Essentially, you will summarize this information about your practicum site for these sections of the paper. To gather this information, you will need to utilize the organizational website and/or speak with people at your practicum site. Please make sure that you do not “copy and paste” the information from the organizational website. You will need to incorporate 3-4 citations from Sweitzer & King Chapter 9 when discussing core concepts for Sections A and B. **For Sections C and D, you will explore organizational politics and culture. For these sections, you should incorporate a discussion of core concepts from the course readings. More specifically, Section C (Organizational Politics) should incorporate at least three assigned supplemental course readings (any course readings except the Sweitzer & King readings). Section D (Organizational Culture) should incorporate at least three assigned course readings (one of the readings should be Sweitzer & King Chapter 9) and two of the readings should incorporate supplemental course readings (any course readings except the Sweitzer & King readings). A key focus of this component of the assignment involves a critical analysis of how the organization addresses and manages issues of equity, social justice, and empowerment both for its employees and the populations served by the organization. The papers should be thoughtfully prepared and demonstrate an intellectual understanding of theoretical/key concepts, critical analysis of the readings, organization/development of the paper, and grammar/syntax. The papers should be typed, one-inch margins, double-spaced, and incorporate appropriate citations that demonstrate a clear understanding of key conceptual ideas from the assigned supplemental course readings. Citations should follow APA style. IF ANY QUESTIONS ASK

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