The presentation should take the form of a 5-6 minute informative speech based o

May 1, 2024

The presentation should take the form of a 5-6 minute informative speech based on your Weeks 3 and 5 (Assignments 3.4 and 5.3) paper and presented in PowerPoint, or a similar slide-based presentation media of your choice. Your presentation should include 6-10 slides that serve to highlight the content of your topic. The presentation should demonstrate that you understand the principles of good public speaking and best practices in using presentation media.
You should submit your presentation or a link to your presentation for peer review no later than Day 3 of the week.
The reviews you provide to your peers should answer the following questions for the speaker:
To what degree did the presentation effectively engage you, and why?
To what degree did the presentation demonstrate the concepts from the lessons on public speaking and presentation provided in class, and how?  
What did you find to be the most interesting information included in the presentation, and why?
What did you find to be the least engaging element of the presentation, and why?
What was the speaker’s greatest strength? What could the speaker do to improve the content or style of the presentation?
NOTE: The review should demonstrate that you actively listened to the presentations. Your feedback should include specific examples, recommendations, and ideas to help the speaker improve before they submit their final version later this week.
Discussion Requirements
Complete your own posting before midnight on Day 3 of the week.
By Day 5 of the week, respond to at least two of your peers.
As you discuss, imagine that you are having a discussion with your peer. Your responses should draw out additional information or ideas, encourage or coach, or add content to the discussion. Ideally, you should also return to your own posting and respond to those who have responded to you. In order to ensure that all members of the class are engaged, please choose to respond to those who have no responses first.
Discussion Rubric
Before starting your Discussion Board assignment, remember to review the Discussion Board rubric. You will be graded on this and all future Discussion Boards using this rubric.
View the Discussion Board rubric.

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