Objective: The goal of this assignment is to research, analyze, and present a co

April 30, 2024

The goal of this assignment is to research, analyze, and present a comprehensive case study of a public green stormwater infrastructure program or project in the United States. This study should include a detailed overview of the program or project, its environmental impact, the technologies and strategies employed, and an assessment of its effectiveness and sustainability.
Selection of a Project:
Choose a green stormwater infrastructure program or project located in the United States.
You may choose to profile a city or utility’s GSI program, summarizing their overall divers, goals, projects built to-date, and plans for the future.
You may also choose to profile a development or public project related to green roofs, permeable pavements, rain gardens, green streets, or other sustainable water management systems.
Think expansively- there are many local examples; this may also be a great opportunity to find out if your hometown is doing this work!
Conduct thorough research on your selected project. Use a variety of sources including government reports/websites, news sources, social media and interviews with local officials/experts or stakeholders if possible.
Content Requirements:
Introduction: Brief overview of the project or program, including its location and objectives. In-depth descriptions of the program/project’s design and infrastructure elements.
Impact: Analysis of the drivers and environmental goals/benefits of the program/project, such as reduction in runoff, improved water quality, and habitat creation.
Technology and Strategies Used: Detailed examination of the technologies and strategies implemented in the program/project, including any innovative or unique aspects.
Challenges and Solutions: Discussion of any challenges faced during the implementation of the program/project and the solutions devised.
Results and Effectiveness: Evaluation of the program/project’s success based on available data and outcomes.
Sustainability Assessment: Analysis of the program/project’s sustainability in terms of maintenance, cost-effectiveness, and long-term environmental benefits.
Visual and Data Representation:
Include relevant images, diagrams, and tables to support your analysis and enhance the presentation of the case study. Ensure all visuals are appropriately sourced and credited.
Create at least one original diagram or table that organizes information or data from your research in a meaningful way.

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