this is the guidelines for the paper. Examine Gorn’s analysis of gender in his b

April 30, 2024

this is the guidelines for the paper. Examine Gorn’s analysis of gender in his book, The Manly Art. Is sport, and boxing in particular, a good tool to examine issues of gender norms and gender roles in the 1800s? What does examining boxing allow us to understand about gender norms and gender roles in this era? What aspects of gender roles and gender norms in this era does boxing not shed light on? Be sure to use and cite evidence from the book to support your argument.  
Your essay MUST have a clear, concise, and specific thesis statement/argument that guides the rest of your paper.
Your essay MUST properly cite its sources using Chicago Style footnotes or endnotes. Please consult the handouts and links regarding Chicago Style footnoting for any questions on how to properly cite your sources. EVERY EVIDENCE INCLUDED MUST have a page number from the book. it is the only source needed for the essay
Your essay will be graded on the effectiveness of your thesis statement, your grammar usage and writing style, the clarity of your writing, your use of the materials we read for this class, and your use of proper citation style. Consult the rubric associated with this assignment on Blackboard for more specifics. 
Attached is the PDF of the book 

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