Book: America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System, ISBN: 9781337557894 Auth

April 30, 2024

Book: America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System,
ISBN: 9781337557894
Author: Neubauer/Fradella
Write an overview of chapter 14. Try to incorporate as much of the items in the Learning Objectives as you can and then, once again, 
let me know what you found to be interesting, upsettig or surprising
Chapter 14
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, students should be able to:
Distinguish between the five major sentencing philosophies.
Describe how the three branches of government are involved in sentencing.
Recognize the main objective of changes in sentencing structure beginning in the late 1960s and the major consequences of these changes.
Outline how the U.S. Supreme Court has both state and federal sentencing guidelines.
Explain the law in action perspective on researching the impact of mandatory minimum sentences.
List at least three major issues related to imprisonment as a sentence in the United States.
Identify the major alternatives to imprisonment.
Summarize the two U.S. Supreme Court rulings from the 1970s on capital punishment that led to the bifurcated process for death penalty sentencing.
Indicate how the U.S. Supreme Court has narrowed the list of death-eligible cases and offenders.
Define the concept of normal penalties and indicate the two most important factors in determining normal penalties.
Distinguish between the concepts of sentencing disparities and discrimination.

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