There are three Essays Based on a Fact Pattern and one extra question, I need th

April 29, 2024

There are three Essays Based on a Fact Pattern and one extra question, I need the answer before 8:50 pm tonight. Otherwise, please do not accept this order. I will update the three Essays and one extra question at 7:01 pm, please make sure that you can submit them to me before 8:50 pm tonight.
About 200 words for each essay question, and 150 words for one extra question. If the question is difficult, you can write more, and if it is simple, you can write less.
Instruction: You will be permitted to consult your notes, the book, and any materials that you prepared from the class. You are not permitted to use the internet or any other individuals including text or other communications with others, and you are also not permitted to use any AI software or other similar tools.
The attached files are presentation slides for the law I learned from class.

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