Answer BOTH of the following questions.  Respond with an essay of 3-5 double-spa

April 29, 2024

Answer BOTH of the following questions.  Respond with an essay of 3-5 double-spaced pages for each question (I’ll grade based on the content not the length).  The best answers will integrate and apply material from the textbook, lecture notes, the discussion forum, and/or current events.  The final exam is 15 percent of your semester grade.  It is due by midnight on Wed. May 1, though you may submit it any time before then.  Please submit it through the assignment portal on canvas, and if it doesn’t upload correctly, you may email your response to me.
1)   There have been many changes to the operation of our political system since the Founding era. Some changes have evolved over long periods of time, some happened only recently.  What change do you think is most important for understanding current American politics?  Explain the change, why it occurred, and why you think it is the most important change.  How does understanding the change help you understand why American politics works the way it does today?
2)  Consider two “pet peeves” about American politics. One (or both) can be your personal pet peeve or the peeves can be those that you perceive that other people have.  Based on what you have learned in this class, why does that “pet peeve” occur?  That is, why does our system operate in a way that you (or others) dislike or think is dysfunctional?  Then discuss which of the pet peeves can be addressed more easily.  What can be done to make it less harmful?  Explain how this change can be made in practice.  Why do you think this pet peeve can be addressed more easily or effectively than your other pet peeve?

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