Cleopatra VII,  (monumental  with  her son Cesarion Dendara, Temple of  Hathor 

April 29, 2024

Cleopatra VII,  (monumental  with  her son Cesarion Dendara, Temple of  Hathor   – yes traditional to Egypt  and in her lifetime after 46 BCE – her son by Julius Caesar  and a child not adult Pharaoh as shown here)
(d. 30 BCE) the seventh  of the queens by that name in Egypt and sole survivor from her lethal family known for killing siblings and spouses, was more than a survivor or a seductress. Romans feared her and ancient texts, Greek or Latin, cast her as the ultimate evil. Her fame is often based on the two leaders who were ‘under her spell’, Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony.  Irrefutable and powerful facts include that she won the interest and honor from outstanding leaders of Rome. Marc Anthony awarded their children kingdoms and heralded Cleopatra as queen of kings! 
With the advantage of global resources, did Cleopatra need Rome?  Yes to launch her rulership she had to outmaneuver her sister and brothers. World connections in trade and wealth provided Egypt with many advantages, pre silk road and Cleopatra’s extravagance in pearls from Malaysia. She could buy or be a world leader.
This essay is ours to envision her perspective.         4 page paper 
Please consult these linked articles, ancient texts, and videos to find content to answer: 
Did she deserve to die ? based on..
What advantage did she have as monarch of Egypt that could have reversed history?
1.  Please find specific content that you quote (2 substantial passages) from either article  and employ as arguments –    two articles linked (tap on the blue link).
war against Cleopatra.pdf
cleo vii qu surveys her realm 2011.pdf
2.  Weigh the positive of Cleopatra   from either article (above)   against   2 quoted passages ( from  one of these ancient texts) that may reveal her strengths     or condemn her. Of these authors,  Virgil is the poet for Augustus (Octavian, competitor of Marc Anthony); Dio Cassius is from 2nd c CE and Plutarch early 2nd c CE.  
dio julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII eg.docx
cleo in Plutarch Life of M Anthony-1.docx
dictynna-699 virgil cleopatra IMP.pdf
3.  Please  watch  ONE the attached videos;  both are short and excellent to learn what Shakespeare values  in Cleopatra:
Royal Shakespeare 2017 – Cleopatra chiding AnthonyLinks to an external site.
death of Cleopatra – Shakespeare 1974 TVLinks to an external site.
Content from these sources serve as support for your critical and creative essay from these resources (not any other author, website nor CHATGPT).  The few secure monuments known today in Egypt include the monumental temple relief at Dendara and coins (example shown below) and the rest are speculation.  You may employ the UNESCO silk road map to suggest Egypt’s advantages.
Conclude with  DID Cleopatra merit  condemnation  or the Venus image ??
Dendara,  Temple of Hathor, [monumental image first image )
Cleopatra as queen with her son by Julius Caesar as pharaoh although he was a child ! to be traditional queen in Egypt but she is the sole ruler  and the author of this authority.  Many layers to her power??
Alexandria coin for Cleopatra VII  – simple hairstyle, Greek
Queens named on their rituals vases made in Egypt for their cult are clothed  and pious making offerings at an altar  while the silver image in Brooklyn could be an Egyptian goddess or queen with revealing  her form in tight Egyptian dress – Egyptian traditions
Esquiline Venus    in Rome     has been  suggested to denigrate Cleopatra. Capitoline Museum concerning this statue**Links to an external site.
not for you to read : [Bernard Andreae, Karin Rhein, Kleopatra und die Caesaren. Katalog einer Ausstellung des Bucerius Kunst Forums, Hamburg, 28. Oktober 2006 bis 4. Februar 2007 ( Munich 2006). Reviewed by Miguel John Versluys at BMCR 28/09/2008.  Andreae argues for Cleopatra VII – remember just an idea !  snake on the water jar.. is a puzzle.  Yes could link to Egypt  not traditional to royal cobra or how a queen is represented..  Roman negative image?? ]  
UNESCO silk road discussion UNESCOLinks to an external site.
UNESCO emphasizes importance of Silk Road for cross cultural connections – yet precursors existed connecting Egypt to distant resources.  Egypt is well situated to benefit !

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