To earn those extra credit points, each student should write at least a one-page, single-spaced paper (minimum: 1-page report, font: Times New Roman fon, size 12) about the speaker’s presentation and how the company or experiences described by the speaker illustrate or relate to class concepts. In other words, your assignment has to describe how the speaker and her company are using the concepts we have learned in class. To earn the most points, please make sure to use at least 5 concepts, which should be clearly marked, underlined, and bold in your analysis. Not just broad subjects like, for instance: management, planning, organization, or leadership. Please make sure you show a much deeper knowledge of each subject. For instance, describe the primary managerial skills and ethical or socially responsible actions you think the speaker used. Describe and argue the type of behavioral leadership you think she is using at her company or the characteristics of a leader that she has shown. Based on the information provided, explain and describe the type of goals, plans, and organizational structure the company uses. Make sure you clearly underline and bold the concepts used in your analysis. Do not underline a whole paragraph that shows you don’t differentiate concepts or vocabulary from the explanation, example, or analysis that you are providing
To earn those extra credit points, each student should write at least a one-page
April 29, 2024