I have attached a lecture PowerPoint talking about behavioral economics.. BUT HE

April 28, 2024

I have attached a lecture PowerPoint talking about behavioral economics.. BUT HERE ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS. IF YOU NEED THE PAPER WRITTEN BY THE BOTH AUTHORS OF THe research reach out! Instructions: These 8-10 pages should be double-spaced and should include references cited in either APSA, APA,
MLA, or Chicago/Turabian format. Title pages are not necessary. The prompts provided are broad and
can be addressed in several ways. As such, I am not looking for a right or wrong answer to the question
but rather for you to think critically about the field of political psychology as a whole. Each question is
multi-faceted, which means that students have the opportunity to write in both an expository and a
persuasive manner. Note, however, that this paper should not primarily be a reflection of your own
opinion. Demonstrate that you understand the concepts we have discussed by synthesizing the required
readings into a coherent argument. The best papers will include a wealth of material from the required
readings and apply this material to current and/or historical events. Paper formatting should be in the
standard 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced and with normal margin
TOPIC QUESTIONS YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT: Contrast Dan Ariely’s research on behavioral economics with Tajfel and Turner’s work on social identity theory. How do both perspectives portray the decision-making capabilities of the American voter? Of these two approaches, which would Philip Zimbardo (see: Stanford Prison Experiment) most dislike? Support your argument with relevant examples. In what ways has the ‘backfire effect’ influenced electoral outcomes within the last two Presidential elections? Provide specific citations to illustrate your point. Which is ultimately more detrimental to American democratic processes: the prevalence of implicit bias or the prevalence of political conspiracies? Why?

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