Assume you are the Junior Managers of a company with significant logistics and t

April 27, 2024

Assume you are
the Junior Managers of a company with significant logistics and transport
activities. Your boss requires a group with 4-6 members to prepare a report
about the business due to the upcoming investors’ conference based on the
following tasks:
Provide a background of the business
organisation by discussing its business types, corporate-level strategies, and
CSR. (CILO 1) 10 marks
Illustrate the organizational structure of the
business highlighting the logistics and transport or supply chain department and
explain the possible roles of each managerial levels, hierarchy of authority,
and span of control. (CILO 1 and CILO 2) 15 marks
Discuss how the logistics operations of the
organisation must be integrated with Human Resources and Customer Service.
(CILO 2) 10 marks
Using SWOT and PESTLE analysis, discuss the
organization’s opportunities, threats, and any two (2) general environment that
may affect the achievement of its corporate strategy. (CILO 3) 40 marks
5.      Explain how effective communication and advances in technology
may help the organization gain a competitive advantage in the logistics and
transport industry. (CILO 3) 20
6.      Complete and
submit the report with the required format or structure, organisation, clarity,
and references. 5 marks

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