Write a visual analysis of a work of art that dates to the period we study in th

April 27, 2024

Write a visual analysis of a work of art that dates to the period we study in this class, (prehistory-1400) in Africa, the Middle East, or Europe. This is a persuasive essay that seeks to convince the reader that your interpretation of the piece is valid. A visual analysis is more than a description of the work of art. Although it includes description, it seeks to interpret the meaning of an object by carefully examining its physical qualities. Research beyond the museum label and website is not necessary. If you do choose to research the piece, make sure to cite your sources. This assignment will give you a chance to practice your looking, critical thinking, and writing abilities.Make note of things like dimensions, materials, and subject matter. Think about what type of tools were used in making your work of art. 
Work to write a title that names your work of art and makes your argument in a succinct and interesting way. Include your name, the date, and my name, at the top left of the first page (single spaced). Make sure to begin your essay with an introductory paragraph that includes a strong thesis statement. Next, you should write several body sections that focus on individual elements of your argument. Use transitions to move from paragraph to paragraph, often reminding your reader how the current section of your paper relates to your thesis. Finally, you will end your essay with a conclusion that reiterates your argument and reminds the reader about the evidence you have used to make your point.  Include a quality image or two of the work of art at the end of your paper.

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