I’ve chosen “Telemedicine and its Role in Enhancing Accessibility to Healthcare

April 27, 2024

I’ve chosen “Telemedicine and its Role in Enhancing Accessibility to Healthcare Services” as my topic for the Current Trends in Health Care Informatics Poster and Audio Presentation. This topic delves into how telemedicine technologies are pivotal in addressing accessibility issues in healthcare, especially for underserved populations. It explores the administrative, clinical, and cost-saving benefits of telemedicine, emphasizing its potential in improving patient engagement, managing chronic diseases, and ensuring continuous care. (This is the approved topic for my project)
Here are the instructions: 
Current Trends in Health Care Informatics Poster and Audio Presentation
Purpose: Our healthcare system is far from perfect. Throughout this course, we’ll discuss what is health informatics and the different parts of how healthcare informatics is making a difference in the US healthcare system. This project is designed to give you the opportunity to get creative and think and explore many of the current trends in healthcare informatics and present one of those trends in an innovative manner. Your topic should present the current topic in healthcare informatics and how its use has the potential to solve a unique problem or issue currently troubling healthcare organizations, as is related to healthcare administration. You’ll learn about the current trend, what and what problem it can potentially solve by compiling resources into an easy-to-understand research poster. The research poster summarizes information or research concisely and attractively to help publicize it and generate discussion. The poster is usually a mixture of a brief text mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats.  Essentially it is a visual research paper. In addition, to accompany your poster you will record a brief 4-minute audio that describes your poster in detail Both your electronic poster and audio file will be posted to Canvas for everyone to see and comment.
Skills Required and Gained: The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in your professional life beyond school, while also exploring a hot topic in the field of health care informatics. These skills include: Gaining an in-depth understanding of an issue and solution of your choice. Evaluating appropriate resources. Synthesizing research. Creating and developing an informative and visually appealing poster. Delivering information in a creative and informative way to informed audiences
Knowledge: This assignment gives you the freedom to pick your own topic. Pick a topic that interests you. Submit your topic for approval.  I will provide you guidance on your topic selection and approve your topic.
The audience is counting on you to check your facts, use reliable sources, and consult with other experts.
Here are some examples of what a scientific, informational, research poster can look like (these are not appropriate topics for this assignment; just ideas for what the page will look like):
Task: So, here’s how to get started:
Pick an issue that interests you. Start with the trend that you are most interested in. Review the list that I have provided for topics. In addition, you may want to incorporate examples of potential trends. You may want to select a trend that also provides a solution to one of the following issues in health care: appointment management, budgeting, case management, care transitions, chronic disease management, clinical operation, clinician engagement, disease management, discharge processes, high cost of healthcare services, finance, human resources, informal caregiving, inventory management, leadership, limited access to healthcare services, mental and behavioral health, pandemic response, patient engagement, patient experience, patient navigation, patient transportation, practice management, price transparency, social determinants of health, artificial intelligence, machine learning, clinical decision support systems, telemedicine,  technology, workforce education, workforce stress, and so much more.
Submit your topic of interest for approval by instructor.  You may not begin your research on this assignment without prior approval from the instructor. 
Conduct research on the topic as well as any potential informatics solutions that are being introduced. Don’t limit yourself to peer-reviewed journals; they’re great for academic papers, but I want this assignment to be more than that. It’s more important to me that you know how to teach individuals outside of academia about health informatics and its potential uses. People don’t read peer-reviewed journal articles. They look for information on YouTube, Wikipedia, Reddit, etc. The way we take in information has changed. So, it’s important to look beyond just text. Look for images, short videos, podcasts to help make your Sway page interesting. Just make sure that they are reliable resources (don’t quote Wikipedia, but maybe Wiki will send you to a primary source that has the same information!).
Next, consider why this trend is so popular; why it is so important in health care technology. This will be the bulk of your project. You’re presenting a current trend and you want to explain what this current trend is in healthcare and how it can potentially affect individuals’ lives.  You also want to explain if applicable, how it has the potential to provide a solution to the problem you are interested in. Your topic should include an administrative aspect of the healthcare system.
Compile your sources and be sure to include the following parts in your poster:  Introduction of the current trend, background, the population affected, costs, quality of healthcare, how is health care informatics directly involved, potential solutions, implications, and references.  
The audio presentation is a recording of yourself (mp4 format) that presents your poster. This audio recording will introduce your topic by explaining what the current trend is and why it is important in the field of health care technology. Your audio presentation will be graded separately. 
Introduction of Current Trend – Explain what the topic is and what does the current evidence report about this topic. Why did you pick this topic? What potential issues does this trend solve? (What evidence is there to support that this is a current hot topic)?
Background – Explain the history or provide context as to how this became a current trend?
Population Health – What populations does this trend have the potential to affect?
Costs – What is the potential financial impact to the purchase or implementation or even use of the technology in health care?  Are there any financial incentives for using this technology? How will the purchase and/or implementation of the technology use impact the health care of people, populations, programs, governments, NGOs financially?
Quality of Healthcare – Does this topic affect the quality of life? How does it?
Healthcare Informatics– Is health care informatics involved directly with a particular health care problem? Is healthcare informatics a factor in a healthcare problem? 
Potential Solutions: Is there current research being done to validate this current topic or trend?
Implications – What is the potential impact? Significance of change?
References – Current Use(s) or Examples, if any Sources in APA format for Text Sources in APA format for Images/Videos
Here are some resources to help you learn how to create a scientific poster.  You have access to it through your CSUN Office 365 account. You will create the poster in PowerPoint and save it in a JPEG or PDF file. It’s a simple online platform that doesn’t require a lot of technical skills, so don’t worry.
Purdue Owl Research Posters https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/common_writing_assignments/research_posters/research_poster_formatting%20.htmlLinks to an external site.
How to Create a Research Poster – Brock University https://researchguides.library.brocku.ca/posterLinks to an external site.
How to make an effective Poster UC Davis https://urc.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk3561/files/local_resources/documents/pdf_documents/How_To_Make_an_Effective_Poster2.pdfLinks to an external site.
UNC The Graduate School Poster and Presentation Resources https://gradschool.unc.edu/academics/resources/postertips.htmlLinks to an external site.
Start creating your poster. Remember to include a minimum of 10 references to cover your content and consider accessibility. You may create either a vertical or horizontal poster as long as all of the required elements are present.
Submit your poster as a pdf
Also include a word document with presentation notes that I can read for my audio presentation.
Rubric for Poster Research Project (1)
Rubric for Poster Research Project (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
Introductory paragraph(s), literature review, hypothesis or propositions
25 pts
– Clearly identifies and discusses research focus/purpose of research – Research focus is clearly grounded in previous research/theoretically relevant literature – Significance of the research is clearly identified (how it adds to previous research) – Hypotheses/propositions are clearly articulated
22 pts
 Limited discussion of research focus/purpose of research  Research focus is less well-grounded in previous research/theoretically relevant literature  Significance of the research is not as clearly identified (how it adds to previous research)  Hypotheses/propositions are described but not as well articulated
15 pts
 Minimal discussion of research focus/purpose of research  Research focus is not well-grounded in previous research/theoretically relevant literature  Significance of the research is not clearly identified (how it adds to previous research)  Hypotheses/propositions are not well articulated
10 pts
 Little or no discussion of research focus/purpose of research  Research focus not grounded in previous research/theoretically relevant literature  Significance of the research is not identified (how it adds to previous research)  Hypotheses/propositions are poorly articulated or are absent altogether
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Methods
25 pts
 Provides accurate, thorough description of how the data was collected, what/how many data sources were analyzed, plan of analysis or measurement instrument, research context  Reflection on social situatedness/reflexivity and how it may influence data collection and interpretation is thorough and insightful
22 pts
 Description of how the data was collected, what/how many data sources were analyzed, plan of analysis or measurement instrument, research context is adequate but limited.  Reflection on social situatedness/reflexivity and how it may influence data collection and interpretation is adequate but limited
15 pts
 Description of how the data was collected, what/how many data sources were analyzed, plan of analysis or measurement instrument, research context is somewhat confusing/not clearly articulated.  Reflection on social situatedness/reflexivity and how it may influence data collection and interpretation is limited and lacks insight
10 pts
 Description of how the data was collected, what/how many data sources were analyzed, plan of analysis or measurement instrument, research context is very confusing/not articulated sufficiently.  Reflection on social situatedness/reflexivity and how it may influence data collection and interpretation is severely limited, lacks insight, or is absent altogether
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResults
25 pts
Results are clearly explained in a comprehensive level of detail and are wellorganized  Tables/figures clearly and concisely convey the data.  Statistical analyses (if used) are appropriate tests and are accurately interpreted.
22 pts
 Results are explained but not as clearly, level of detail is not as sufficient, and there are some organizational issues  Tables/figures are not as clear/concise in conveying the data.  Statistical analyses (if used) are appropriate tests but are not accurately interpreted.
15 pts
 Results are not very clearly explained, level of detail is insufficient, and there are more organizational issues  Tables/figures are not clear/concise in conveying the data.  Statistical analyses (if used) are inappropriate tests and/or are not accurately interpreted
10 pts
 Results are not clearly explained, level of detail is severely insufficient, and there are serious organizational issues  Tables/figures are not clear/concise in conveying the data.  Statistical analyses (if used) are inappropriate tests and/or are not accurately interpreted.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions
25 pts
Interpretations/analysis of results are thoughtful and insightful, are clearly informed by the study’s results, and thoroughly address how they supported, refuted, and/or informed the hypotheses/propositions  Insightful discussion of how the study relates to and/or enhances the present scholarship in this area  Suggestions for further research in this area are insightful and thoughtful
22 pts
Interpretations/analysis of results are sufficient but somewhat lacking in thoughtfulness and insight, are not as clearly informed by the study’s results, and do not as thoroughly address how they supported, refuted, and/or informed the hypotheses/proposition  Discussion of how the study relates to and/or enhances the present scholarship in this area is adequate.  Suggestions for further research in this area are adequate.
15 pts
 Interpretations/analysis of results lacking in thoughtfulness and insight, are not clearly informed by the study’s results, and do not adequately address how they supported, refuted, and/or informed the hypotheses/propositions  Discussion of how the study relates to and/or enhances the present scholarship in this area is limited.  Suggestions for further research in this area are very limited.
10 pts
 Interpretations/analysis of results severely lacking in thoughtful ness and insight, are not informed by the study’s results, and do not address how they supported, refuted, and/or informed the hypotheses/propositions  Discussion of how the study relates to and/or enhances the present scholarship in this area is severely limited and/or absent altogether.  Suggestions for further research in this area are severely limited and/or absent altogether.
25 pts
Total Points: 100

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