So this assignment is an extension of a previous assignment. I need to make the

April 25, 2024

So this assignment is an extension of a previous assignment. I need to make the last assignment better and add stuff to it according to feedback. 
1. Final Research Report in word or pdf (85 marks)
(Most of the marks are allocated for Results (75%) and the rest such as format, flow etc. (25%))
a) Title, author’s Name and Abstract.  (you may add an abstract of about 100 to 200 words (or 2 to 4 bullet points), explaining the data you used, data/analysis method, and main results).  Have all of the above on the first page, and start the following from second page on.
b) Data and Methodology: briefly explain your data (a few lines or bullet points).  Then Y,  X variables and IV, if any (with units, range etc.).  Also provide links to your data source. Explain the method(s) used (a few lines or briefly only) and regression equations, if any.  
c) Descriptive statistics: Include only important 1 or 2 tables and 1 to 2 graphs.  Please make sure that your tables and/or graphs follow standard format, that you will see in textbooks or journal papers and are self explanatory. If they are not self explanatory, add short explanations as notes, just below the corresponding table or graph.
d) Results: Regression results with interpretations and comparisons between multiple models, as appropriate. Tables/Graphs of your regression or other results (as appropriate). Make sure the tables/graphs are self explanatory (if not add explanation) and follow standard format you will find in journal papers.  Focus on this part the most as this is the most important part of any research/data analysis. For example, try to explain (rigorously if necessary) why the coefficient for your main X is different in Model 1 versus Model 2.
e) Conclusion: Summary of main results in 5 to 10 lines only.
f) Related Literature: List 2 or more related literature and explain how your research is different from them ( briefly only).
2. Data and R file (5 Marks) 
a) Processed csv data file.  This must be the cleaned processed file  (5 marks)
3. Rmd file (10 Marks)
b) Rmd file (html or pdf) of your data analysis (10 marks)
Good Luck !
Here is the feedback from the professor for the previous assignment, which I have attached as a file below:
Abstract: you can try to shorten background and add the results of your study with the mentioning of methods and data you you used. Equation: what is Publicm? How about other variables? have at least 3 or 4 variables. There would be crowd (if that is what you mean) in any game and so size rather than Yes or NO might be more important. Everything else equal works only when you have controls (this actually means given controls don’t change. But you don’t have controls included. Your second model/table where you progressively add variables is good.

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