A crucial aspect of an applied sport and exercise psychologist’s work is to be a

April 24, 2024

A crucial aspect of an applied sport and exercise psychologist’s work is to be able to understand psychological theory and research literature in order to construct appropriate intervention. Therefore, for this assignment you are required to complete a written case-studies, from either a sport or exercise context. For each case-study you will be given a set of interview ‘data’ from a consultation with a client. This will form the basis for your construction of an appropriate intervention plan for the client. You will be given a total of 4 case studies, 2 from a sport context and 2 from an exercise context however you only need to write up one for this assignment. 
Include a cover sheet which details;
a) Module title, b) Module code, c) title of degree, d) student number, c) word count. No other details should be included. No illustrations should be included. 
2. case-study should have a contents list, and separate reference list.
The following further details will help you to structure you case study
a) Introduction.
In this section introduce the client, who are they and what issues are they seeking support for? Try to provide as much context about the client as possible within this section. 
b) Philosophy.
In this section provide a brief overview of your own philosophy of practice and how this might influence the work that you do with the client. Remember your philosophy of practice should influence the rest of your intervention. 
c) Initial Needs Analysis.
Using the interview data provided you should determine the strengths / weaknesses / needs of the case-study. It may be useful to include a case formulation to demonstrate how you have determined the needs of the athlete. You won’t necessarily have all the information you might want to consider how you might gain further information from the client. After identifying the key need provide some research that highlights the importance of this area in performance and why you have chosen to work on this area.
d) Interventions and Monitoring;
In this section you should provide a proposal and rationale for the intervention/s that you consider to be appropriate to meet the case-study’s needs. Depending on your philosophy you may have a range of different interventions or methods that you decide to use. However, each suggestion must be supported by sufficient research and evidence to justify its use. Be sure to consider how you will monitor progress with the clients. 
e) Ethical Considerations
Consider any ethical considerations or issues that could arise when working with these clients. Ensure you reference appropriate codes of practice and ethics when highlighting these and consider how you will manage them going forwards. 
f) Summary; 
In this final section you might briefly summarise the aims of the case-study, and the proposed intervention. 
Case-Study 4: Jasmine
Jasmine is a 26-Year-Old Sales Assistant who has reached out to you for support regarding attending the gym and increasing her amount of physical activity. Her biggest concern is worrying about people judging her for not knowing what he is doing in the gym and doesn’t want to feel embarrassed by making a mistake. When she has previously been to the gym she typically hides away in the corner and refuses to use any of the ‘scary’ free weight equipment available. 
You met with Jasmine for an initial consultation to get some background information (given below). During the consultation Jasmine opens about a previous diagnosis with depression and that she wants support with this as well. 
Age: 26
Occupation: Sales Assistant 
Homeowner: Lives alone 
Hobbies and Interests: Watching TV, getting food and drinks with friends, going on fun days out. 
Key points from your initial discussion:
1) Jasmine understands that exercise is important for her mental health and wellbeing, but occasionally finds that she gets anxious about going to the gym and this puts her off going regularly. 
2) She has recently started a new job and has noticed that several of the people who work there go to the same gym as her and could be potential training partners for her. 
3) When she does go to the gym, she often ends up doing the same activities every session which sometimes resorts in her getting board and leaving the gym earlier than she would like to.
4) On the days that she doesn’t go to the gym she feels as though she has let herself down and that she should be doing more to be healthier.

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