Answer the following two questions in a seven page paper (3 1/2 pages per questi

April 22, 2024

Answer the following two questions in a seven page paper (3 1/2 pages per question):
The career of midwife was not only an important profession in the Greek and
Roman world, but it is also important for us as it offers a window into many
different aspects of the lives of women in antiquity. So, in what ways does the
career of a midwife illuminate different aspects of women’s lives in the ancient
The legal status of freeborn women in Rome was inferior to that of men. In what
ways is this strictly true, and how do issues of education and socioeconomic
class complicate this view (to an extent). 
Your paper should Have or Not HAVE the following:
Have a thesis
Have a conclusion.
Be in 12-point font
Be double spaced
Be Times New Roman
Have 1-inch margins
Have a title
Have many citations
Not HAVE an introduction paragraph
Not HAVE summary of the plot
Formatting: All papers must adhere to the following formatting requirements. 
o Font size: 12-pt.
o Font style: Times New Roman.
o Margins: 1” margins.
o Length: approximately seven full pages.
o Quotations: should be limited and cited by book and line number in footnotes or in parentheses
o Have a title
Comprehension __/20
o Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the text(s) in question.
o Avoids factual inaccuracies or mistakes about the text(s) in question.
o Organizes the elements of the argument using coherent and concise paragraphs.
o Avoids inaccuracies and inconsistencies in spelling, grammar, or capitalization.
o Chooses specific and relevant passages to use as evidence.
o Avoids unnecessarily long quotations.
o Identifies complexities in selected passages and draws logical and meaningful results from
o Avoids unnecessary plot summaries.
o Defends the arguments satisfactorily using the above analysis.
o Avoids generalizations about the text(s) in question.
Grade: __ /100 
General Outline:
I. Introduction 
-Brief overview of the importance of understanding women’s lives and legal status in ancient Greece and Rome
Thesis statement: The careers of midwives and the legal status of freeborn women in ancient Rome offer valuable insights into the complexities of women’s lives and gender dynamics in classical antiquity.
II. Roadmap Paragraph
III. The Career of Midwives and Women’s Lives in the Ancient World
A. Importance of midwifery as a profession
B. Midwives as witnesses to women’s experiences
1. Childbirth and maternal health
2. Domestic life and social dynamics
C. Midwives’ role in reproductive control and abortion
IV. The Legal Status of Freeborn Women in Rome
A. Inferior legal status compared to men
B. Exceptions and complexities
1. Education and socioeconomic class
2. Influential women in literature and history
V. Conclusion
A. Summary
B. Significance of understanding women’s experiences in classical antiquity
I provided the syllabus below. It has the readings we have done regarding this topic. Use only the readings within that syllabus. Note that most of them don’t have hyperlinks. The ones without were slides, but I kept them there for reference.  

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