Analyze the film making of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. The purpose of

April 22, 2024

Analyze the film making of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. The purpose of the assignment is for you to conduct a critical analysis on this film. From this analysis, you build an effective academic argument that supports a particular thesis you have arrived at concerning the work of your choice. In other words, what you find out about the work through your critical analysis provides evidence for a particular point you want to make about the nature and/or meaning of the work. 
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnity
The paper has a clearly defined topic and thesis.
Each of the paragraphs has an overarching topic.
All paragraphs are relevant to the paper’s organizing idea. All sentences within any
given paragraph are relevant to its topic.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
The order in which points are presented is effective. The paper is not repetitive.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment
Each paragraph sufficiently develops its main idea and the individual points it
raises. The paper on the whole sufficiently develops its main idea.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoherence
The essay is coherent in sense and style.
One thought follow from another. One can easily recognize connections between thoughts and paragraphs.
The paper’s style helps the reader to see how thoughts are linked.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEfficient and correct sentences
The essay has been sufficiently revised for correctness and stylistic efficiency at the sentence level.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBalance
The most important points get the most space. Equally important points are developed to the same degree.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Description
The essay applies the analytical tools the course provided thoroughly to describe and analyze the chosen material formally (with regard to its composition) and/or contextually (with regard to its historical context).
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInterpretation/Argument
The student presents a thoughtful overall argument on how to understand the work’s meaning , nature, and significance
Briefly introduce your chosen artwork: When, where, and by whom was it created?  Also briefly introduce your argument, by providing its overall thesis.  A thesis is one complete sentence that provides a general summary of your argument.  For instance, “Michelangelo’s David idealizes the human form.” Usually, the thesis comes at the end of the introductory paragraph, but it can also be at the beginning or anywhere in the middle. 
A successful thesis relates to how an artwork communicates meaning. Please remember that simply stating that a performance is great or beautiful, or that an artist is the best or a genius, are not arguable theses.  Also that an artist has been incredibly influential is not really an arguable overall thesis within the limits of a two-page paper. You can mention these things but not make them the center of your argument. A thesis that proposes to show how a particular dance is an example of modern dance, by contrast, is a highly practicable thesis. 
If you are unsure about what performance to pick or what kind of thesis to develop for the one you have chosen, communicate with your instructor.  In your message, let your instructor know what ideas you already have, so that she can tell how much work and thinking you have already done.
BODY PARAGRAPH: Organize the main points by which you want to support your thesis into at least four appropriate paragraphs as you address BOTH the work’s contexts and form.  If you are analyzing a long or extensive work (such as a symphony or play), hone in on specific moments so you can be exact and detailed in your descriptions (rather than offering only general overall ideas which are often too vague.
CONCLUSION: End with a concluding paragraph that wraps up and completes your paper.  Remind the reader of your overall point without merely restating your thesis.  Provide your thesis’ greater meaning as you explain why this point is important to know.
A BIBLIOGRAPHY at the end is required only if you are using external sources. You may use MLA style to format the bibliography, or any other format, as long as you are consistent.

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