Review a podcast episode of your choice. You are expected to: 1) provide a quick

April 21, 2024

Review a podcast episode of your choice. You are expected to: 1) provide a quick synopsis of the entire podcast show, 2) review ONE episode of the podcast. You should answer the following questions: (a) What is this podcast about?, (b) how does the content in the episode relate to what you learn in this class? Below you can find a list of suggestions for podcasts, but you are welcome to introduce other podcasts that are not listed. Please check this with me before starting your review. Note that this podcast show needs to be concerned with topics related to cyber terrorism/terrorism, hate violence, or extremism. This assignment is worth a total of 50 points
(cyberterrorism class)
Possible Podcasts:
Sounds Like Hate, Podcast by the Southern Poverty Law Center
Rabbit Hole, Podcast by the New York Times
White Hot Hate, Podcast by the CBC Podcasts
The Tech Against Terrorism Podcast
Going to Extremes, Podcast by the UNOCT International Hub on Behavioral Insights to Counter Terrorism behavioural-insights-counter-terrorism
Fighting Terror, Podcast by the Counter Extremism Project

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