Using an example for each, compare and contrast the concepts (in pairs not as a

April 20, 2024

Using an example for each, compare and contrast the concepts (in pairs not as a whole): a) governance of gender and gender of governance; b) symboli and substantive representation; and c) partisan gender gap and gendered party polarization.
Choose one are of gender of governance–Gender identity or reproductive rights. Review content related to this area (actual content not summary of assumptions) produced by Presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donal Trump–videos, websites, etc. 
Compare and contrast the candidates views and plans related to the areas in regards to 1) what change or protection from change, 2) the assumptions being made about gender and or sexuality that support their arguments, 3) assumptions about the role gender plays in our society and 4) the role government should or should not play in our gendered lives.
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