I have a research project (experimental) about Sargassum Seaweed (S. fluitans II

April 20, 2024

I have a research project (experimental) about Sargassum Seaweed (S. fluitans III and S. natans I) biochar: Evaluating its Usefulness for  Removal.
Regarding the experiment;
The biomass specimens utilized in the experiment comprised the brown algae S. fluitans III and S. natans I, which were harvested from Jamaica coast. Prior to further processing, the seaweed was sieved and purified with distilled water to eliminate all forms of particulate matter, sand, and salts. The samples were then subjected to a controlled drying process in an oven maintained at a temperature of 60 °C for 24 h. Following the drying period, the seaweeds were mechanically pulverized into a fine powder using a grinding apparatus to prepare the biomass for subsequent experimental utilization 
Sargassum seaweed was converted to biochar using a slow pyrolysis process in a tube furnace, with a temperature set at 500 ºC and a rate of 10 ºC degree per minute. The procedure was performed for 4 h in a nitrogen atmosphere, which was carefully regulated to provide an oxygen-depleted environment. The substance that was produced after pyrolysis was left to cool naturally within the furnace for the entire night. To determine the surface functional groups of the biochar, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was performed with a Cary 630 device from Agilent Technologies, scanning the wavenumber spectrum from to 400-4000 cm⁻¹. 
I have the results obtained from the FTIR spectroscopy, and I need help in determining the funtional groups in the selected area (orange arrows). Then, intrpret the results and compare it with other studies that has same convert the seaweed into biochar at 500c. And mention if there is differences or same results obtained from other research paper. 
Please read the instructions carfeully, and provide me with the list of refrences used. 

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