Question: If you were the CEO of a pharmaceutical manufacturer that had spent ma

April 19, 2024

Question: If you were the CEO of a pharmaceutical manufacturer that had spent many years and
millions of dollars in creating, developing, testing, and getting government approval for a new
drug, how would you address the issues of protecting your intellectual property while meeting
the patient/public needs for that drug?
Consider, for example:
 Profit and return on investment for company owners/shareholders
 Protecting intellectual property of the company
 Needs of patients, practitioners, and society
 Biblical support and guidance for your positions
 Any other legal and ethical concepts you believe may be relevant
Support your analysis with at least 3 scholarly sources other than the course materials, cited in-
text and in a reference list. You must also integrate Scripture and Biblical worldview analysis.
This paper must contain at least 800 words and follow current APA format but does not require
an abstract. The title page and reference list do not count towards the length requirement. Submit
your paper as a Word document.

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