This course covers the procurement and acquisition process. Key areas covered in

April 19, 2024

This course covers the procurement and acquisition process. Key areas covered include third party logistics (3PL), supplier relationship management (SRM), solicitation, and pricing. The student will learn the differences in the acquisition process that exist between the military/logistics side and the commercial/supply chain management side.
Select and research an organization that will be the subject of the Procurement Plan Project that you will be working on during this course. Provide the following: I choose Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Ft. Pierce, FL
Given the organization that you have selected, complete the Organizational Overview and Materials Purchased sections of the Procurement Plan Project as follows:
The Organizational Overview should provide a description of the type of organization you have chosen.
Identify whether it is a government or commercial organization.
Describe the primary industry or level of government.
In the Materials Purchased section, describe the materials or services that will be procured for the organization based on the industry or government type.
Does the organization supply materials used for products, software systems, service items, goods for resale, or other types of material?
Complete the Bid and Proposal Documents section of the Procurement Plan Project as follows:
This section should detail the request types you will use, and it should specify the criteria (specifications and features that you want) for materials or services purchased.
How will these requests be used to get information from potential suppliers?
Describe the criteria required for the materials or services purchased.
How will the criteria for the materials or services purchased be incorporated into the request types?
Complete the Contract Types section of the Procurement Plan Project as follows:
This section will detail the contract types (firm-fixed-price [FFP] contracts, cost-plus-fixed-fee [CPFF] contracts, cost-no-fee [CNF] contracts, and cost-plus-incentive-fee [CPIF], or others) that you will use within your organization.
Why are these contract types most relevant for your organization?
What specific cost management tools and techniques will be used by your organization?
Complete the Third-Party Logistics (3PLs) and Supplier Relationship Management sections of the Procurement Plan Project as follows:
Describe the use of third parties for logistical purposes.
Describe how the relationship with the suppliers will be managed.
Complete Part 2 of the Procurement Plan Project. This consists of the Contract Closeout and Maintaining Supplier Performance sections of the Procurement Plan Project as well as a memo to the procurement officer for your organization.
The Contract Closeout section will briefly describe the contract closing process with suppliers.
How you will finalize payments to suppliers?
The Maintaining Supplier Performance section will have descriptions of the partnerships or alliances that your organization has with the suppliers.
What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) used?
Describe the methods that will be used to measure supplier performance.
Explain why you have chosen these measurements.
Use the template to compose a memo to the organizational procurement officer.
State why this plan should be used by the organization.
Explain how your plan aligns with the organizational strategy.
Course Reference:!/4

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