For the paper assignment this year, I would like you to pick an international la

April 19, 2024

For the paper assignment this year, I would like you to pick an international labor standard (Conventions, Protocols, and Recommendations) and look at Cambodia’s labor environment. You should use at least one ILS and at least one provision of the labor law or a relevant labor regulation. Please research whether Cambodia’s labor environment is meeting, exceeding, or falling short of the ILS and analyze whether the ILS needs to be reformed to reflect real-world conditions, whether Cambodia’s legal norm needs reform, or whether this is an issue that law is unable to address. Your solution might involve all three. In the cases of meeting or exceeding, you will still need to analyze why this is the case and whether further improvement is needed.
Or, you may identify a gap in the ILS and analyze whether the labor environment in Cambodia would be improved by addressing this gap. You may choose to address this gap through the ILS, through domestic law, or by proposing a solution that does not involve law. Different aspects of the issue you identify may involve all three.

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