CO7: Compare the relationship between technology and innovation in sustainable b

April 18, 2024

CO7: Compare the relationship between technology and innovation in sustainable business.
CO8: Develop a plan to address the political, regulatory, or technology environments that impact organizations’ supply chain sustainability and strategies.
For this week’s discussion, select a global company of your choice and assess its sustainable business practices (you may continue with the company you used in Week 1 or select a different company for this week). First, respond to the following:
Explain why greening the supply chain is viewed as important and what it means to have green supply chains.
Next, respond to the following:
If your selected organization employs a green supply chain, explain its relationship to innovation and technology with the organization and how it keeps it sustainable.
If your selected organization does not employ a green supply chain, recommend one best green practice the organization could implement today. Explain your choice.
Pick a well known company

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