The practical application exercise is a series of skills and problems designed t

April 18, 2024

The practical application exercise is a series of skills and problems designed to reinforce module content and expand your skillset through inference to professional-level application.
The exercise consists of a series of tasks. Tasks and responses are contained within a single Excel worksheet per the sheet design. All of your tasks culminate in a submitted Excel Workbook. Please thoroughly review each task’s instructions and ensure you address each task’s subtasks. Evaluation is based on model formulation and development, analysis, and following instructions.
The specificity requested within tasks is designed to instill a systematic process to ensure skill development and retention while creating a professional analysis and accompanying products suitable for C-suite presentations.
Task 1 – Introduction to facility location analysis
Task 2 – Practice facility location analysis
Task 3 – Introduction to transshipment analysis
Task 4 – Practice transshipment analysis
Task 5 – Introduction to maximum flow analysis
Task 6 – Practice maximum flow analysis
Task 7 – Introduction to shortest route analysis
Task 8 – Practice shortest route analysis

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