Tips for writing a good essay. 1. Read the instructions on the syllabus. 2. Writ

April 11, 2024

Tips for writing a good essay.
1. Read the instructions on the syllabus.
2. Write an introductory paragraph that previews your main argument. Follow it up with a one-paragraph summary of the facts.
3. Paragraphs are 4-6 sentences long. Sentences should not drag on endlessly either. I expect college-level writing.
4. This is NOT a book report. I want to hear your take on the case, not how well you can summarize what the justices say.
5. Make sure to include a concluding paragraph that summarizes your position. However, you should also take stock of the larger implications of this case. Why does this case really matter today?
5. Check your plagiarism score when you upload your paper because I certainly will be doing so.
6. I do not require you to submit a draft, but students who do so have a much better chance of receiving a higher grade.
7. Make sure to include your name and word count, or I will deduct 5 points.
8. Supreme Court case names are italicized with “v.” in between the names of the parties. Words that should be capitalized include the Constitution, Justice >, > Amendment (i.e., 14th Amendment), names of laws (i.e., Bakeshop Act). Words that should not be capitalized include substantive due process, liberty of contract, police powers.

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