Conduct a formal analysis of your assigned image, as outlined below. This paper

April 11, 2024

Conduct a formal analysis of your assigned image,
as outlined below. This paper is an exercise in visual analysis. Before you begin
writing, spend time looking closely at the image. When you write, be sure to use the
format and terminology given here. The purpose of a formal analysis is NOT to jump
to conclusions about the meaning or purpose of an artwork, but rather, to better
understand how the different visual properties of an artwork operate together to
form a cohesive, whole object. Use the questions listed under each paragraph heading as a guide, but you do not
need to repeat the questions, nor do you need to answer each one if it is not a helpful
or appropriate way to discuss the artwork you were assigned. You do, however, need
to focus your discussion on the topic of that mini assignment (the bold heading).
You must include all of the following paragraphs, in this order:
1. Introduction: Your first paragraph should introduce the main points you will
address in your paper, and offer a brief description of the scene shown in the
artwork. Subsequent paragraphs should each address a specific visual effect:
2. Space and Setting
Characterize the space that the artist/craftsperson has created within the image. Has
he/she offered a panoramic view or narrow view (how far side to side)? A
deep/distant view or a shallow stage (how far front to back)? How is his/her
construction of space appropriate to his subject matter? Has he/she set the scene
with architectural and natural features? Is there empty space in any part of the image
and how might that be significant?
3. Line
Where are the dominant lines in the artwork? Are they curved or straight? Bold or
barely noticeable? Horizontal, vertical or diagonal? What is the visual effect of these
lines in terms of framing, grounding, containing, or connecting other aspects of the
image? How do these lines help your eye move through the space of the image,
directing your eye (or failing to direct your eye) to certain points in the composition?
4. Composition
How has the artist/craftsperson composed each scene? Are the compositions
balanced and proportional? Where are the dominant horizontal, vertical, and
diagonal forms? Are they symmetrical on either a vertical or horizontal axis – and, if
not, where is the greater weight, the greater color, the greater detail or other features?
Are there elements that cross the mid-line of the image, uniting the image – and, if so,
how? Does the placement of certain elements or figures highlight them or reduce
their importance? Does the scene seem still or busy? Hard and rigid or soft and
flowing? How is this appropriate for the subject matter?
5. Figures and Iconography
Do the figures seem dynamic or static? Aloof or engaging? In what directions do
they gaze? What is the role of gesture and posture? Do figures in profile (as opposed
to front-facing or back-facing) engage or exclude the viewer in the scene? What
symbols has the artist included to indicate status (social, political, divine, etc.)? How
are the different figures in the scene connected to one another? Note for this section
that you are NOT being asked to research the identity of any figures (their names,
titles, job positions, etc.). However you can and should talk about the figures in terms
of the visual markers of their identities in terms of age, gender, social status, etc. if
the artwork is giving you such clues.
6. Medium: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the medium? How does
the medium express texture, color, or decorative detail?
7. Conclusion: You should then have a paragraph that sums up what you think the
dominant impressions or feelings that this artwork’s formal properties would give to
its viewer. Does the artwork overall feel welcoming or intimidating, soft or hard,
violent or calm, emotional or rational, etc.? How do you think these visual effects
might have been meaningful to an ancient audience, and assisted with the artwork’s
intended function and purpose? 

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