Essay 2 Assignment: Heart of Darkness, The Tempest, and The Epic of Gilgamesh E

April 11, 2024

Essay 2 Assignment: Heart of Darkness, The Tempest, and The Epic of Gilgamesh
Essay 2 assignment builds on the analytical skills you displayed in your Gilgamesh Essay (Essay 1), asking you to deepen those skills by applying two lenses to the readings. We’re also adding in our Weeks 5 and 6 reading, Heart of Darkness, a key piece of 20th-century literature. Exploring the intersection of two different themes is an opportunity to narrow your scope even further, giving you a stronger foundation for analysis.
Please complete each of the following steps for your Essay #2:
1. Select two of the themes of postcolonial theory that you would like to explore. These will be
the lenses through which you look at the literature. You’re more than welcome to stick to the
same initial theme you chose for Essay 1 and add in a new one, or you could choose two entirely new themes to apply.
2.Describe the lenses and explain how/why they represent a promising combination.
Why are they worthwhile to discuss in relationship to one another? How do they inform one another? How does the combination limit your approach in helpful, constructive, or opportune ways? Be specific.
3. Apply that lens to The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Tempest, and Heart of Darkness.
This should be the bulk of your writing. How do the themes function within the story? What specific moments in the story are valuable for drawing deeper insights about the intersection between the two themes? Include balanced textual evidence (direct quotes from all three stories!), not simply general statements about the plot elements or characters. Also, explain the significance of each quote you use – how it ties into your analysis and answers to my questions. Important: ultimately, your analysis must include these two questions: What do these three stories reveal about how these themes combine? What insights can we take from the readings that apply beyond the literature? Do not turn in your essay without answering these questions.
Note: For this assignment, you must use proper APA citation style (see Owl Purdue online for APA style help), have: a narrow, arguable thesis statement, separate supporting ideas with topic sentences/transitions, and have a dynamic conclusion.
For success in this essay, since it has numerous steps and asks many questions, I recommend printing the assignment sheet out and having it next to you as you write and revise your essay so that it can serve as a checklist and guide. As you complete each step and answer each question, literally physically check off each item. That way you can make sure that you are completing everything that I am asking you to include in your essay.
4. Before you turn in your essay, carefully go through the list and your essay and make any necessary adjustments. Read it aloud to catch any mistakes. Read it to another person to catch any additional errors. Double space your essay and give it a title (do not put: Essay #2). Your essay should be at least three pages long not including a Reference Page (also required). Remember, if you need help with how to do in-text citation, a reference page, etc., and all things APA style, go to Owl Purdue online.
Start on your essay now. Work on it every day so that you will make progress on it and will not be stressed before the due date, trying to get it done with not enough time to do a good job on it. You’ve got this!

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