Use the following link to learn how to find and evaluate an online source: https

April 11, 2024

Use the following link to learn how to find and evaluate an online source: to an external site.
Please follow the instructions below:
1. Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on one of the topics listed below:
The Gastrointestinal Tract, (Chapter 37, p. 858)
Box 37-2, Major Nutrients Absorbed in the Small Intestine, (Chapter 37, p. 868)
Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract (Chapter 38, p. 879)
Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction, (Chapter 38, p. 879)
Disorders of the Accessory Organs of Digestion (Chapter 38, p. 896)
Acquired Impairment of Motility, (Chapter 39, p. 920)
Impairment of Digestion, Absorption and Nutrition, (Chapter 29, p. 922)
Note: As you read through the article, think about how it connects to Pathophysiology and why is it relevant.
2. Provide a write-up summarizing the article. Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.
3. Aim to include 150 – 200 words in the summary.
4. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format!

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