Human Experience Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric Summative Assessment Out

April 9, 2024

Human Experience Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric Summative Assessment Outline
Human Experience
Competency Name: Human Experience
Competency Statement: Analyze the ways in which the human experience is influenced by historical, social, ethnic, economic, technological, and/or geographic contexts.
Summative Assessment Submission Title: Analysis of the Human Experience Paper
Competency Objectives:
Interpret connections between knowledge, sense of purpose, moral dimensions, and ethics.
Articulate the influence historical, social, ethnic, economic, technological, and/or geographic contexts play in how to read and understand
a variety of texts.
Compare and contrast the cultural assumptions of others with one’s own.
Differentiate between cultural context and universal context.
Program Learning Outcomes: N/A Institutional Learning Outcomes: N/A
Purpose of This Assessment
Throughout this competency, you have read about how humans experience their world through their place in groups within society, their daily life experiences and challenges, and the overarching perspectives in which their lives intersect. The purpose of this summative assessment is for you to demonstrate your ability to analyze the interconnections between important influential perspectives and your human experience.
Items Required for Submission
1. The item required for submission is an 8 – 10 page autobiographical paper analyzing the interconnections between:
At least one aspect of each of the four influential perspectives AND
your human experience
2. A visual representation of the interconnections. Examples include charts, graphs, tables, mind maps, Microsoft Word Smart Art, photographs, videoclips, Prezi, and PowerPoint.
Human Experience Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric
Step ONE: Research and Review
Review the four perspectives detailed in your competency readings. They include:
Human Experience and the Arts
Impact of Human Experience on Groups
Universalities of the Human Experience
Human Experience: Structure and Movement
Seek out at least four academic journal articles, books, or other credible resources (at least one from each perspective) that you may use as
references to add depth to your understanding of the perspectives.
Step TWO: Reflect on your Human Experience
Reflect on your own human experience chronologically from your childhood to the present and into the future.
Consider examples of how your human experience connects to all four of the perspectives.
Identify your assumptions and your personal and professional experiences and how they relate to the four perspectives.
Step THREE: Interconnections
Consider how your human experience and the four aspects from the perspectives you selected are interconnected.
Think about how you might visually represent this interconnection.
Step FOUR: Writing the Paper
Write an 8 -10 page paper (not including the title page, reference page and the appendix) that begins with a title page in 6th edition APA format* and includes the following sections:
1. Descriptions of the Four Perspectives:
In your own words, explain each of the four perspectives. Write approximately one-half page about each perspective. Provide least one example of each perspective.
The readings for the competency provide information about the perspectives. Include research from at least four academic journal articles or books that provide additional support and information. Use in-text citations.
Human Experience Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric 2. Your Human Experience
Chronologically, analyze your own human experience from childhood to the current time and project into the future. Since your actual autobiography would be much longer than this assignment, feel free to focus on highlights that you believe are valuable for this summative assessment.
Begin by walking through your life experiences. As you describe these experiences, address all of the relevant perspectives, which must include a minimum of four. Refer to personal and professional experiences, and consider your assumptions.
• For example, if you grew up in a military family, as you write about your childhood, you might find that a major theme relates to where you lived. Since you moved around geographically quite a bit, as you write, you will address the aspect of Immigration from the perspective of Human Experience: Structure and Movement and how relocating frequently influenced your experience. You would also consider your assumptions about people in the military vs. those not in the military and consider how your experience affected your personal and professional life and how it may continue to do so in the future. If your human experience is significantly influenced by immigration, you may also find that Human Experience and the Arts and Universalities of the Human Experience are useful perspectives to apply to your autobiography, so you would incorporate them and meet the requirement of addressing all four perspectives.
To strengthen your paper, specifically identify the perspective as you address it.
3. Conclusion: Interconnections
You looked at the big picture of your human experience from childhood through the present and the future and its connection to the four
perspectives. In the conclusion, focus on how the four perspectives interconnect to one another and to your human experience.
Reference Page using APA formatting
Appendix (your visual representation of interconnections and a description of your visual representation)
STEP FIVE: Visual Representation
Create a visual representation of the interconnections between your own chronological human experience and the four perspectives. Examples of visual representations may include charts, graphs, tables, mind maps, Microsoft Word Smart Art, photographs, videoclips, Prezi, and PowerPoint.
Include a one paragraph description of the visual representation in an appendix. The description must provide a rationale for why you chose to represent the interconnections in this way. If you use media that cannot be “pasted,” your appendix will be the link and the description.
Human Experience Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric
Step SIX: Checklist for Submission
Before you submit, check to see if you believe you have met the criteria noted below.
Did you….
ü  Clearly describes each of the four perspectives in your own words?
ü  Provide at least one clear example of each perspective?
ü  Includes research from at least four academic resources?
ü  Thoroughly analyzes your own human experience chronologically from childhood to the current time and projecting into the future?
ü  Addresses four relevant perspectives and specifically identify each perspective?
ü  Provide a sophisticated analysis of the interconnections between the four perspectives you included and your human experience?
ü  Create a visual representation that clearly supports the interconnections between your own chronological human experience and four of the
ü  Include a description of your visual representation with a comprehensive rationale?
ü  Include the visual representation and description in the appendix?
ü  Write logically with accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
ü  Adhere to the length requirements?
ü  Follow APA formatting and referencing standards?
ü  Use at least four credible references?
Step SEVEN: Submit Your Work (Items 1 & 2)
• Your completed final assessment documents should be submitted through the Final Assessment page of your competency.
Human Experience Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric Scoring Rubric for Summative Assessment
Emerging Developing Proficient Exemplary
Description of Perspectives
Includes little to no descriptions of the four perspectives. Does not provide clear examples of perspectives. Does not include research from at least four academic resources.
Partially describes four or fewer perspectives. Provides at least one clear example of some perspectives. Does not include research from at least four academic resources.
Sufficiently describes each of the four perspectives in your own words. Provides at least one clear example of most perspectives. Includes research from at least four academic resources.
Clearly describes each of the four perspectives in your own words. Provides at least one clear example of each perspective. Includes research from at least four academic resources.
Chronology of your human experience
Includes limited or no analysis of your own human experience.
Minimally addresses perspectives.
Includes little to no reference to personal and professional experiences and assumptions.
Partially analyzes your own human experience chronologically; does not clearly cover all time periods from childhood to the current time and projecting into the future.
Partially addresses an aspect of at least three of the perspectives.
Partially refers to personal and professional experiences and considers your assumptions.
Sufficiently analyzes your own human experience chronologically from childhood to the current time and projects into the future.
Addresses a connected aspect of each of the four perspectives and specifically identifies each perspective.
Adequately refers to personal and professional experiences and considers your assumptions.
Thoroughly analyzes your own human experience chronologically from childhood to the current time and projects into the future.
Addresses a strongly connected aspect of each of the four perspectives and specifically identifies each perspective.
Clearly refers to personal and professional experiences and considers your assumptions.
Provides little to no analysis of the interconnections between the four perspectives and the human experience.
Provides a partial analysis of the interconnections between the four perspectives and the human experience.
Provides a sufficient analysis of the interconnections between the four perspectives and the human experience.
Provides a sophisticated analysis of the interconnections between the four perspectives you included and the human experience.
Visual Representation
Visual representation provides little to no support for the
Visual representation partially supports the interconnections
Visual representation sufficiently supports the interconnections
Visual representation clearly supports the interconnections between
Human Experience Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric
interconnections between your own chronological human experience and up to three perspectives. The description provides little to no rationale.
between your own chronological human experience and up to three perspectives. The description provides some rationale.
between your own chronological human experience and the four perspectives. The description provides sufficient rationale.
your own chronological human experience and the four perspectives. The description provides comprehensive rationale.
Writing Mechanics and References
The paper lacks clarity and may be confusing; too long or short. Numerous errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Limited if any adherence to APA standards.
The paper does not include the required number of credible references.
The paper is somewhat logical and well-written; too long or short. Some errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. APA standards are somewhat followed but with numerous errors.
The paper does not include the required number of credible references.
The paper is logical, well-written, and the required length. There may be one or two minor errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. APA formatting standards are followed with a few minor errors.
The paper includes the required number of credible references.
The paper is logical, well- written, and the required length. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate. APA formatting standards are followed; citations and reference page is correct.
The paper includes the required number of credible references.

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