You will be working on an academic assignment which is a culmination of a series

April 9, 2024

You will be working on an academic assignment which is a culmination of a series of tasks focused on developing a business model. This final assignment is significant and carries a portion of the overall grade. Here is what it entails and what is expected of you:
1. Formal Report: Prepare a report approximately 5 to 10 pages long, inclusive of appendices. The report must adhere to a professional format including a cover page, and table of contents, and should be error-free in terms of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
2. Components:
– A general description of the business idea or project.
– A copy of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) or Business Model You (BMyou).
– Customer Personas and Customer Profile Canvas based on previous interviews.
3. Appendices: Include relevant documentation like interview questions, photos of Post-it notes from brainstorming sessions, and other materials created during the process.
4. Integration of Previous Assignments: The report should incorporate findings and developments from prior assignments such as the Purpose Statement, networking events that expanded your social capital, and the in-class public speaking opportunity where you presented your business idea.
5. Application of Tools and Methods**: Utilize Design Thinking tools and the Double Diamond process model to refine the BMC or BMyou canvas. Ensure you include customer feedback and profiles.
6. Next Steps: Outline potential future actions regarding the project, even if they are tentative.
This assignment requires a synthesis of creative thinking, analytical skills, and meticulous documentation. It is your opportunity to showcase your comprehensive understanding of the business model development process.

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